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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So 23 weeks along on friday and still dont have a bump although I think it depends on what I wear to notice it. Im not worried I am just curious as Ive spoke to my midwife about it and she thinks I have gained the perfect amount of weight for how many weeks I am.

When did everyone else start showing?
I dint show until literally 30 weeks maybe 32 ithink it was actually. I wouldn't worry just means you have good stomach muscles that's what the midwife says to me everytime I see her xxx
With my first I didn't show until 6-7 months pg and this time I have a bump already x x
first time i was 6 or so months befor anything showed this time showed for a while
about 12 -14 weeks i would say = bad stomach muscles :D
thanks for the replies everyone

I do have a wee bump but it is awful small everyone that asks me how many months I am I say 5 months and they say shut up lol hopefully im having a wee girl they say boys are bigger x
When i say i'm 5 months, people say wow your big!! I'm getting a bit of a complex now, i may have to pretend i'm having twins soon :(

I'm a little jealous of people with little bumps, i'm huge already but then i did have a pot belly to begin with!! Its not all baby in my bump lol
I started a post very similar to this a couple of weeks ago but in the last couple of weeks bump has just popped out, lol. With my first I was showing by 12 weeks and had a reasonably big bump at 16 weeks. I've got a neat little bump now :)
Hi i'm 23 wks and although i have a big bump standing i was worried i was small laying down, this is my 4th so mine is a little "flabby" but went to see the midwife and i'm spot on. I think we all worry about how big or small we are but i'm sure when you see your midwife she'll put your mind at rest hun. x
yeah think its a woman thing lol my fiance goes does it matter what your bump looks like im like yeah I want a big bump lol.

my bump is tiny but I think im all baby I will get a pic up later to show you an updated one hehe
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well this is me at 23 weeks not much of a bump tell me what yous all think


aww thank you i think i just panick too much sometimes hehe
wowww, adele your bump is bigger than mine!! Im gunna post a pic of mine, i look like i did before being pregnant!! How strange!
Baby is growing fine tho, just no bump!!

Your little bumpy is lovely tho, nice and neat :)

wowww, adele your bump is bigger than mine!! Im gunna post a pic of mine, i look like i did before being pregnant!! How strange!
Baby is growing fine tho, just no bump!!

Your little bumpy is lovely tho, nice and neat :)

aww thanks hehe how many weeks are you? cant wait to see a pic of your bump

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