

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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I have the Mothercare one, it keeps the bottles sterilised for 3 hours. Is this the same with other sterilisers?

Another question, if you expressed or made a formula bottle up and it was put in the fridge would the bottle still be sterile if given 5 or 6 hours later
Mine is sterile for 3 hrs too but not if opened I dont think.

Midwifes advise is to make every bottle up singley as it has been shown in studies that making them up and putting in the fridge breeds bacteria.

But I make up all the bottles with just water, put them in the fridge for no longer then 24 hrs. I dont see how water can breed bacteria.... but dont tell me HV!! haha she will have my head off!! haha

But on the other hand you will prob find all the other girls on this forum make all the bottle and formular at once as the new rule has only just come in in the last few months!

I think its a personal preference, do what you feel is right.

With breast milk I think you can keep it in the fridge for 12 or 24 hours, but don't quote me on that, ask another breast feeding mummy.

With formula, it depends on the formula you use sometimes, with mine I have to make them up freshly (although I put boiled water in the bottles, leave them on the side or in fridge to cool, and then when I'm ready to add the powder, I add 2oz of fresh boiled water instead of waiting half a year for a bottle warmer to heat them up). Other formula I used to make 24hours worth up and bung them in the fridge and heat up by bottle warmer when I needed one :)
With my steriliser it keeps them sterile for 3 hours aslong as its not opened.

Breastmilk can be kept in a fridge for 24hrs I think :think:

I make up my formula all in one go and put it in a bottle warmer when I need it. I throw it out if I havent used in within 24hrs tho.

Rachel xx
Im so confused, does it mean the bottles will be sterile for 3 hrs in the steriliser? Are they un sterile once they are put in the fridge??

I know Im not making sense!!!!
You are making sense to me, but I dont understand how long the bottles stay sterile for either! So I am not much help! How is the Bf going now?

Eveadel said:
Im so confused, does it mean the bottles will be sterile for 3 hrs in the steriliser? Are they un sterile once they are put in the fridge??

I know Im not making sense!!!!

You are, and yes you're right hun. As long as the steriliser isnt opened in them 3 hours x
Oh blimey I think we are doing it wrong because sometimes we have opened the steriliser to get out her syringe (she is on antibiotics) and open it again to use a bottle later (maybe 1 hr) later.

Im still BF but she is being topped up twice a day with formula, I dont seem to fill her up as she will be hungry again alot sooner.
Just a bit off topic - but Eveadel have you tried asking your doctor for domperidone if you don't think you're producing enough? It aids lactation :)
The formula milk will fill her up for longer than breast milk as it takes longer to digest the formula. Just keep going with the breast feeding. It will get easier!

i use water sterilizer as it keeps them sterile for 12 hrs

just fill it with water and put in a miltons sterilzing tablet and change the water every 24hrs
Hi Kina

I havent spoke to my doc, I feel Im producing enough but I know this might sound silly but I think I might have alot of fore milk and she dont get much hind??????

Thats interesting about the water steriliser
Hi Eveadel

Do you feel like you over-produce milk? Have you spoken to a BF councellor? I know a girl from my local BF group that seemed to have a lot of milk and the baby filled up on her abundance of foremilk so what a BF councellor advised her to do was instead of alternating between boobs at each feed to feed from each boob for 6 hours (not keep the baby attached for 6 hours just when the baby needed a feed, put her back on the same boob each time until 6 hours passed then do the same thing on the other boob). Apparently this is a way of getting more hindmilk BUT it can make your supply go down a little.
I'm not suggesting you try this, just telling you what a girl I know did.

Oh that is interesting Lucy, yeah I think I may produce more foremilk which is why she is getting filled up on that but hungry so quick again
Hi Eveadel

Just wondered if your little one falls asleep on your boob or does she come away contented after a feed? If she's falling asleep I used to do breast compression to help encourage Olivia to carry on sucking (really it's just like hand expressing but doing it whilst they're latched on so it's like they think its another "let down".

How often does she feed during the day and what about night - does she sleep well?

p.s I replied to your thread about dummies - I gave Olivia one when she was a week/10 days old
Hiya Lucy

Thank you for your message.

She does fall asleep mainly at night and she is usually contented at the time but will wake 2 hours ish afterwards for a feed. In the day she feeds roughly the same but is more awake. Im finding it really hard work
Hi Eveadel

:hug: I know what you're going through, Olivia used to feed as frequently as well. It might seem like a long way off at the moment but when Olivia got over her 6 wk growth spurt she really fed less frequently and started to go longer at night (She's never been a great sleeper after 2am but would go for 5 hour stretches). It's such hard work and you feel like they are constantly attached to your boob! Their tummies are still small at the moment so you're filling it up with breastmilk but because it's digested more quickly than formula she's ready for her next fill sooner.

Did you decide about the dummy? When I felt that Olivia was using me as a pacifier I gave her a dummy and that settled her off to sleep.

I received a lot of support from the ladies on here to get through the first couple of months of breastfeeding, they all promised me it would get easier and let me reassure you it did and it does! The feeds become shorter and are less frequent.


Phew Lucy, I keep imagining myself feeding her every 2 hours until she is 6 months.

Havent decided on which soother yet but really would like to know the difference between latex & silicone soothers??
Hi Eveadel

I used the silicone ones as they had been recommended to me by my MW and my friend who breastfed her 3 boys, these ones are supposed to minimise nipple confusion and as Olivia was only about a week or 10 days old I didn't want anything to jeopardise the bf (we had so many problems to start with you see).

I was put off using latex soothers because latex will eventually return to its natural state which is sticky rubber - I am sure this wouldn't happen in the lifetime of the average dummy but it just put me off!



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