Straw Cluchers/Line Spotters Please


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
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So I was due to test on Tuesday and got BFN. AF due today, usually starts in the night before, pretty regular. Still no signs of AF so tested again today. BFN on IC, Boots own and CB Digi, but I think I have something on FRER. It came up straight away but is really, really feint.

Now my head is just going round and round in circles. The positive, hopeful, happy smiley part of my brain is saying I am pregnant because:
-no signs of AF, usually get bloating/constipation beforehand
-completely off my food (which I usually love)
-sharp pain in my side on Sunday/tiny streak of blood in CM on Tuesday - posibble IB?
-OPKs said I OV'd 3-4 days later than expected, which would mean AF isn't due for another few days

But of course the negative, rational, realistic side of my brain is saying:
-I've had a course of antibiotics and been pretty ill this cycle, which would mess up AF
-Surely there would be something on the other tests, and there's absolutely nothing, not even a hint of a line
-Now I'm TTC (This is only my second cycle) AF has started to mess me about on purpose!
-I shouldn't even think about getting excited because AF will just show and I'll be devastated about nothing.

Sorry for the rant but I feel like I'm going insane! Can someone have a look and either slap me or confirm my madness?

Lou xx

Ok, so that is a terrible picture which makes me look like even more of a nutter! I'll try and upload a better one (I've taken, er, quite a few!)
I can't see anything hun but I'm on my phone which mmakes it harder. I got a bfn this morning on a fr not a frer and af due for me today too but nothing. I hope its a shy one especially with suspected ib x x good luck x

sent from my snazzy HTC
Oh ill look at another picture x that one was pretty fuzzy. Lol x

sent from my snazzy HTC
I can see something, though not sure on colour. I'd leave it a day or two and test again.
Lots of luck. x
Thanks for taking a look guys...looks like the madness is set to continue (unless AF shows!)
I see somthing on other pic now, $rom a distance it looks like it has colour x

sent from my snazzy HTC
I think I can see something, but I can't be sure ... I had to tilt the laptop

Was it FMU? I'd maybe try again tomorrow x
It was FMU. I'll leave it until Saturday to use my other digi I think (this is a very ambitious statement!) . Just having a cup of tea and taking a few deep breaths. Thanks for taking a look girls xx
Hi hun , I'm such a crap line spotter but I can clearly see a thin pink line and I haven't got my glasses on lol , good luck fx crossed this is it for u xx
I can see something faint on both, just not sure of the colour. Fingers crossed for you :)
Well AF showed so I guess that's that.

Thanks for the support ladies.

Lou xx
No way, that was a decent line! Bugger so sorry x x

sent from my snazzy HTC
OMg I am shocked, never seen a false positive on a frer before.

sorry hun. x

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