stressed need some advice please


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2011
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Hi everyone. i'm new here but there seems to be some great advice on here.

Just wondered what you all think about this. I came off the pill middle of December. Had my period, then like clockwork ( always am) 25th Jan had my period. I ovulated ( although i'm just learning about this so may have got it wrong?) from 7th Feb. Since last week. I have noticed the veins in my breasts very noticable ( which i had with my first son) and my nipples has gotten alot darker and bumpy lol. My also feeling very tired, have had some nausea but not been sick. Period is due 25th this month so can't take a test yet. Since sat i have light bleeding on and off. It's sometimes pink other times red then nothing. I always so regular. I just don't know what's going on with my body at the moment.

Any advice i would be greatful xx
Not much advice hun, other than the spotting and small bleeding being implantation and usually hormones starts being produced a few days after so i would hold out and test in a few days

Good luck!!
Hiya hun, welcome to the forums! :wave:

I'm not much help but I think the only thing you can do is wait and see if your period arrives, if not then test. :)

Coming off the pill can sometimes trigger PG like symptoms and throw some spanners in your cycle but then again loads of women fall pregnant very quickly after stopping the pill so who knows?

Hope it's a BFP for you! x x
Hiya Hun!

The only advice I have is to test. I kno from when I came of the pill a few years ago I had the wackiest cycles! I went from having a period once every 65 days to then every 13 days! I eventually settled into a 31 day cycle but messed that up when I had a depro shot once! Now 12 months on I'm finally getting more regular.
Fx this is your BFP

Hey :wave:

I haven't got much to add really apart from what the girls have said

If no sign of AF then defo test, as us girls like to say your not out until she gets you

I've got my fx that it's fab news for you & keep us posted hun :clover:

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Hi everyone. i'm new here but there seems to be some great advice on here.

Just wondered what you all think about this. I came off the pill middle of December. Had my period, then like clockwork ( always am) 25th Jan had my period. I ovulated ( although i'm just learning about this so may have got it wrong?) from 7th Feb. Since last week. I have noticed the veins in my breasts very noticable ( which i had with my first son) and my nipples has gotten alot darker and bumpy lol. My also feeling very tired, have had some nausea but not been sick. Period is due 25th this month so can't take a test yet. Since sat i have light bleeding on and off. It's sometimes pink other times red then nothing. I always so regular. I just don't know what's going on with my body at the moment.

Any advice i would be greatful xx

Hey chick x Just thought I'd let you know, that sore nipples and the blue veins were my very first symptoms! I also had the bumps on the areola (sp?) from about 4 dpo :)

Fx for your :bfp: xxx
Thanks everyone.

It's a worrying and exciting time. Yet very stressful. Keep getting my bf to check my breasts, to make sure i'm not seeing things. Trying to enjoy this week off work with my son but i'm just waiting for friday to arrive. I need to chill out. Thanks for all your positive thoughts, much appreciated and i will certainly let you know xx

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