
Karate Kid

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
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My stretch marks are really getting me down, I now have loads on the sides of my bump and two on the top of my thighs. They are mostly silvery but a few are angry and purple, I know they will fade and I knew I would get them but it doesn't stop me from feeling so ugly and marked when I catch myself in the mirror (which I try to avoid like the plague). Sounds stupid but my head is telling me they are a Mark of how I have managed to 'let myself go'.... In reality I know they are not.

Hubby is being brilliant he says he doesn't care about them in the slightest and that by carrying our child I am doing something amazing for us as a couple. He keeps telling me that the stretch marks don't affect the way he feels about me physically.... But they affect me.

Sorry for the moan ladies, its hard, none of the ladies from my NCT class have any and I feel too ashamed to talk to friends about them (only one of my friends has kids). Xx

Ahh hun, I can fully sympathise. I now have them on both boobs and they're just a reminder of how enormous and unattractive I feel. BUT they are only temporary and they will fade, hopefully to nothing.

You have a lovely hubby and his opinion on them is fab, don't listen to the lies that are being whispered on your ear, you are beautiful, inside and out xxxxxxxxx

I fully sympathise and feel exactly the same way, even though I know it's irrational to feel like that - of course we're going to have marks - our bodies go through alot of trauma in 9 months - it still doesn't stop those thoughts and now I'm thinking of my section scar - and that, unlike stretch marks will never completely go away. I think we just have to acknowledge its part and parcel of bringing life into the world and accept it :)
Aw I'm sorry you feel like this... I have stretch marks. On my stomach and some at my sides. They don't bother me in the slightest. But I can understand why they would... In sure when your LO is here in your arms stretch marks will be the last thing on your mind. So try not to get upset about them. They do fade. A girl I'm friends with got not one on her stomach during pregnancy. Nothing, she had them all over her lower back and sides, her bum, and from her bum to her ankles at the back of her legs. They were angry and purple and now a couple of years later you wouldn't know they were there unless you look for them and she points them out... So in time they will get better xx
My SILs faded to nothing in 6 months. Hoping mine do too :) xxxx

Oh honey I'm sorry they are getting you down. Hugs. Just try and remember what an amazing job your body is doing growing your little one. You are beautiful and an amazing woman for being able to do such an amazing thing.

Pregnancy sure takes its toll on our bodies but we will get our bodies back soon enough and have beautiful little babies to show for it. Loads of love x
Bless you hunny, sorry you're feeling down about it. Pregnancy is hard on our bodies and watching the changes is not easy but you are growing an amazing little baby who will be worth it. I have stretch marks on my hips from when I went through puberty an you can't even see them now, yours will fade and remember your husband obviously adores you whatever. You haven't let yourself go, getting bigger is all part and parcel of it. I'm not saying its easy to watch cos I've really struggled too but you'll soon get your figure back. I've realised that when I've looked around at these tiny, thin mums pushing they're babies around in prams. At the moment it's hard to imagine a flat tummy again but they obviously do come back!!
Big hugs xx
Thank you so much ladies.... I think I am really emotionally charged today.... Being 35 weeks pregnant I am bound to be! I need keep reminding myself of how far I have come (I have been in recovery from an eating disorder for a few years now).

I know when LO is here I will be in awe and wonder of how amazing s/he is. The stretch marks hopefully will not worry me one bit. Hopefully not long now and I will meet my little monkey!! Xx

Definitely know how you feel!
I had a few stretch marks pre-pregnancy that didn't bother me at all, as they had faded and weren't noticeable..
But I didn't realise it was possible to get so many more!
I am covered in them - hips, lower back, tops of legs (the worst effected), bum..
And just started to get them on the front of my stomach :shock:
OH isn't bothered by them at all, but I feel so self-conscious, especially with the all-over weight gain as well!
All the stretch marks will be worth it though xx
I feel exactly the same, they are really getting me down.

Your hubby sounds great, mine just tells me I'm being stupid :wall2:

Once baby is here I'm sure we will all think it was totally worth it xxx

Aw hun sorry ur feeling so down!

I feel the same though, until literally this morning, I only had 2 very small ones on my right boob, but this morning I noticed a few low on my bump, very purple ones, and was devastated as soon as I noticed them! I showed my husband and told him how upset I was, and he was really lovely about it, just like ur husband.

I think we have to think of the bigger picture, although I know that's easier said than done. But we get these marks as a sign of doing something amazing. And they do fade to practically nothing. One day, in the not so distant future, ull have ur baby in ur arms and these barely visible marks that won't even cross ur mind anymore xox
Aw don't worry too much chick, like all the other ladies are saying they'll fade. Mine from my having my DS have faded, I got them at exactly week 39 and i was heartbroken thinking I'd managed to not get them but they don't bother me now. However, I'm sure I'll be on constant look out until LO arrives as I want to see how they change.

My hubby doesn't give a flying fook about them and insists he still finds me sexy. I honestly think that they either don't notice them or are too oblivious to what they are. I'm sure when you're LO arrives and you're feeling up to doing anything in the bedroom the first thing your hubby will be thinking is 'ooooooooo nakedness, yummy' and he will continue to find you utterly lovely.

Stretch marks are a sign of hard work and the fantastic thing that your body has done. There are so many wonderful creams too that help to fade them quicker too if you feel the need. Don't worry too much
Sorry this is getting you down. I can only echo what the others have said, they will fade and will not bother you so much after you have lo. And it will all be worth it when you have your precious bundle in your arms. Hope you feel better soon.x

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