Strong Pain - Really Worried


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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I'm coming up to 16 weeks now. I had gotten used to the growing pains I was having which come and go and don't last long. For about 24 hrs now I have had a constant pain low down which seems to be getting stronger. I'm now getting strong cramping as well. It's got so bad sometimes that I'm crouch down on the floor gripping something and cannot walk (that bit lasts a few mins and eases off again for a while). There is no bleeding though

Getting quite scared and don't know whether to call the MW......what do you think?
I would deff give the midwife a call hun..just to be on the safe side.
im sure she wont mind you calling her..if nothing else it will put your mind at rest :hug:
I would definitely call your MW and let us know how you get on of course! Good luck :hug:
Like the others say call the midwife, or you will drive yourself mad with worry.

Hope all is okay hun
If it has you doubled over in pain then deff call the MW babe, hope everythin is ok :hug:
I had these a few weeks ago!

If they're anything like mine they felt like very bad period pains and they actually bought on tears!

The pains would last around 30-60 seconds and then go away for about 15-20 mins.

I spoke to NHS direct who told me to go to hospital, I had a scan and all was ok.

On the other hand, my m/w said it was because my body is growing at such a rapid rate due to the twin pregnancy last time.
So far I'm measuring as 25 week pg rather than 17 weeks.

This could be the same with you?

However if you are unsure I would get it checked out and I hope you feel better soon :hug:
Pain was getting so bad I phoned the midwife for advice and ended up crying on the phone! i do feel feel a bit embarrassed cos she's gonna think I'm a nightmare as i cried when i saw her for my first appointment when she asked details about my miscarrriage in April.....can't seem to control my emotions too well at the minute and i know i'm worrying far too much about everything.

Anyway she seems to think I should go to A&E and get checked just to put my mind at rest but she didn't give me the impression that she thought it was anything serious.....

Gotta try to get hold of OH now and see what he thinks
If she thinks that then go for it.

NHS direct advised me to go when i had my pains.

Hope you feel better soon and don't worry emotions are all over the place anyway with pregnancy. It's quite standard :)

Good luck but I'm sure all will be ok!

Let us know how you get on :hug: :hug:
Good news! Doctor checked me over and they said I was having Braxton Hicks uterus contractions. I thought that only happened nearer the birth but they say it can happen at any time, just the body getting ready.

They didn't need to send me for a scan. I'm just to keep an eye on things and rest for a while. If it happens again, I am only to worry if I get any bleeding or back pain at the same time.

I'm due for a 16 week appointment with the MW next week anyway and they said if i am concerned then, they'll scan me again

OH says he needs to wrap me up in cotton wool and look after me....I think I could get used to that!

Feeling much better so thanks for all the advice
Awwwwwwwwwwww I'm glad it was "just" Braxton hicks. A nightmare they were so painful for you though, I hope the next lot aren't. Brilliant that you got checked over and reassured. Good that you've got your MW appt coming up too, you can get even more reassurance. Looking forward to seeing you out and about in your cotton wool suit :D
Glad to hear it all went ok.

Believe me, you will have so many worries and anxieties through your pg.

Good news is though at least you prob won't get past 38 weeks! I made it to 36 and believe me was glad when it was all over, but those two little bundles that you will get at the end of it all will be so worth it, mine were!

make sure you do rest and put your feet up too, I was so swollen around the ankles from about 20 weeks last time that I just seemed to sit on my bottom with my feet elevated all of the time!

Make sure your OH pampers you! :hug: :hug: :hug:
That's great news. I knew you could get braxton hicks early, but not that early..

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