struggling to know when to feed


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Just recently i have been struggling to lnow when to feed alex he doesnt really tend to let me know he is hungry until he sceams nd tries to latch onto anything then after good 5 mins gets all fidgety so i take him off and he tends ro do a huge burp and go bk for more when he finaly finishes an takes himself off he doesnt always get sleepy and stays awake but after almost every fed he is sick and gets irritable again i donr know whether to keep offering the boob or what? I m also worried about my milk drying up s today ftwr a short feed alex got all tense came off the nippe and there was no milk there
I'm not sure what to suggest. Evelyn sometimes gets in a fuss, feeds and comes off then starts again etc but I think she's teething and the pressure on her gums when feeding is causing her gums pain. I don't think this would be a problem for Alex though.
If you're worried about your milk supply try pumping inbetween feeds and offering Alex the breast as much as possible. Mervsmum suggested eating oats (porridge, flapjack etc) as a natural way to increase supply - seems to be working for me. Or Fenugreek, you can buy it from Holland & Barratt - not tried this yet though so cant offer advice.
Keep at it though - sometimes Evelyn messes about with her feeding and gets easily distracted so maybe try feeding him in a quiet room away from distractions.
Good luck - let me know how you get on x
Thanks he is very nosy he can go 5 hours before feeding so when he does hes really impatient and suffers from colic will get pumping again and get on the porridge x

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