Take a test on holidays or not?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Well flying on Wednesday for our honeymoon very very excited! I'm due to test when I'm away what would you girls do? Take a test with you or wait until you come back? Half and half I want to take one with me as I know what I'm like but hubby says maybe not. Will know either way as the bitch is due when we're there (gutted)
I'd take a test so you know. At least then you will know either way.

Have a fab time and fx
id test that way your not worrying if you have a drink on holiday xx
I think i would have to take a test with me - i just dont think i would be able to leave it!

Good luck and lots of baby dust

I would take a test as if you do get your BFP then it's like a double celebration :D.

You can then bee happy as a couple about it first without worrying about somebody bombarding you with questions when you desperately want to tell them and also wait abit.

Take a test and then it will put your mind at ease.

You going anywhere nice??
Thanks girls they're in the case lol I usually only have a very light period if at all when I'm away (heat maybe I dunno lol) I know it will be on my mind so best ge it out of the way then and try not to get too disappointed if it's negative. Be amazing if we can get our BFP on our honeymoon though!!
I'm going to contradict everyone else and say no test! Relax, enjoy your honeymoon for what it is and test when you get home. You won't be subconsciously CPU ting down to when you can POAS and, if it's negative, you avoid clouding what should be an exciting, romantic, relaxing time.
*counting, not 'CPU ting' obviously. What a weird auto correct
I'm with you in a way Hun it's hard lol I know if I take it and test and it's a positive be best thing in the world or if I test and negative be upset but then if I don't take one might be on m mind all the time last thing I wanna do is wonder around Mexican pharmacies haha arrrg don't know lol
Haha gotta love auto correct I once sent my dad the message "are you gay" in stead of "are you ok" lmao
If you go on holiday and don't take a test with you and af doesn't show, you'll wish you'd taken it with you.
If you do take it at least you have the option, you don't HAVE to pee on it if you take it x
I couldnt wait lol I would have to take it with me either you can celebrate together if its positive if its not then you can have a bloody good time practicing for next month xx
I think I will take one or two just incase. May just try and think not going to happen to avoid disqpointmemt
Hi Sarah, if it was me I probably would take a test with me. But I also think there is something to be said for switching off from the whole ttc thing and not thinking about it while you're on your honeymoon. Whatever you do have a fabulous time hun and good luck xxxxxxx
I'm having the same dilemma, although I'm not going on my honeymoon.

We go to the Maldives (tiny island NO chance of being able to buy a hpt) on 11th May for two weeks and AF is due between the 20th and 23rd (my cycles aren't always spot on).

I have fluctuated between taking and not taking but we have decided to take only one. That way I won't be tempted to test early, but if AF doesn't show by 24th then I will test.

My advice would be to only take one and avoid the temptation to test before AF is due!

Good luck and have a lovely honeymoon :)

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Yeah decided to take one and test the very last day if no AF. Think I'll just keep thinking I'm not to avoid being disheartened. This is the month I really want to catch but doubtful not had a positive OPK yet so lp b very short around 8-9 days prob :(

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