Teachers TTC (but everyone's welcome)

muppetmummy said:
Babydreams...what do parents do with their kids for 10 weeks :shock: I thought it would be hard enough arranging child care for the 6 weeks we have :lol:

Well, I guess they mostly send them to daycare. My school is having free, non-required summer school this summer. ***Cough, cough, Free Daycare, cough, cough*** They can leave their kids there from 7:30am to 5pm!!!! :shock: It's through a non-profit organization and better than the kids being at home alone or wandering the streets.

Families that are better off than the children I teach do actually go on vacation during summer time. It's really the only extended holiday we get in America...so it's our vacation season. (No one really goes on a holiday for Christmas or Thanksgiving...and unless you're 16-18 drunk and horny you don't WANT to go anywhere in America to vacation during Spring Break.)
Spring break!!! I love it!!! So wierd to us brits...can u imagine all the uni kids hanging round uk coastal towns in soft tops & bikinis??? :wink:
Actually...newquay?? hee hee :wave:
:lol: Spring break sounds like fun. Kids here just tend to hand round the local park all year round with a fag and a bottle of cider :dance:
Just thought I'd make you all jealous a bit and announce that my classroom is already ready for the 07-08 school year! I went in on Wed. and Thur. afternoons and got it all set up :D .
I finish up my summer school duties next week, but....
I will have to report back to school on Aug. 14th and our kids come back Aug. 20th. It'll be here before I know it.
BabyDreams said:
Well, since we may be the only 3...I have a question.
How does the schedule run in the UK for schools?
In the US, we teach from August to May...then off for almost 3 months in the summer. Some US schools have gone to year round schedules, but they are on for a month or two and take a few weeks off, then repeat that schedule for the whole year....seems kind of confusing. I'm glad I don't have to do that!

Oh! trust me... my senior year of high school we switched to the year round schedule! AND IT IS BRILLIANT!!! You go for 9wks then you get a two week fall break in October, then 9wks of school then a two week break for Christmas in Dec, then 9 wks of school and a two week spring break (which is great since before it was only one) and then 9 wks and you are out for 8 weeks for summer! I loved it and you get the extra break in October which makes a huge difference... plus you don't even notice the slightly shorter summer... I would definitely recommend it!

Hi everyone.... I'm not a teacher but I'm about to start back school and finish my degree and be a teacher! Hopefully somewhere between 1st and 3rd grade. (6-9 yr olds) Good idea babydreams!
Can I join? I live in the US and have been teaching for 10 years. The last 5 years I have been at a special education school for children with emotional problems. I teach English, French, and Yoga.

DH and I have been married for 1 year and 5 months, and this is our 4th month TTC. I've been temping loosely, and this month, if my chart reads correctly, we had perfect timing, so now I'm just waiting until I can test. :think:

I'm so glad to have found this forum! It's really tough to do the wait alone!

:) Amy
Has anyone else had greatly varying cycle lengths? I went off the pill at the end of January. Since then I've had a 28 day cycle, a skipped month (I'm chalking that up to travel), a 38 day cycle, and the rest is in between. My temp charts indicate ovulation, and my doc tested my blood the first month off the pill and that showed ovulation as well. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar.

Hi Amy :wave:
Seems more and more US'ers are finding this site. It's a great one!

Can't say I have exactly the same problem, but my cycle last month was 31 days - and I swear I used to be 28. This month I ovulated later than last month too...so I don't know what's going on.

Best of luck to you! Hope you get a BFP soon!
Hiya i only half qualify for this thread i've been teaching for 6 years and teach reception (4-5year olds) i love it. currently on maternity leave but looking forward to going back although i'll miss my son to bits!!!
Good luck TTC :)
Hey minnie mouse...where did you teach? i live in Ross but teach in gloucestershire! :lol:
Hello everyone :wave: :wave: :wave:

I'm a TTC Wannabe teacher - Does that count.

Very jealous of you all I'd love to get into teaching but all of my options for getting into it at the moment involve a massive pay reduction which we just cannot afford. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Bex :D
I teach in Quedgley (Field Court) a few miles from Gloucester. What about you?
minnie mouse said:
I teach in Quedgley (Field Court) a few miles from Gloucester. What about you?

I orignally come from Cheltenham, I used to go to school at St Peter's in Gloucester. My mum works in Quedgley :)
Little miss pink said:
Hello everyone :wave: :wave: :wave:

I'm a TTC Wannabe teacher - Does that count.

Very jealous of you all I'd love to get into teaching but all of my options for getting into it at the moment involve a massive pay reduction which we just cannot afford. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Bex :D

Hi Bex.
It is a shame it is so hard to go into teaching once you're working. My friend is in the same predicament, once you have a steady income, it is difficult to loose that for four years. :(
Don't give up though Bex...maybe training routes will be different in the future (I don't know, but things do change) and you can train and earn at the same time.
My OH's aunty is 44 and a classroom assistant with a family. Her school paid for her to do a part time degree in education which she has just finished. Now she has the choice to either give up work for one year to do a PGCE. Or do a 2 year part-time PGCE and work part-time.

It is a great job - hopefully you will find a way to do it when the time is right for you. Good luck

GTC option is a good way- learn on the job!

How's everyone enjoying the hols!?
teach in Quedgley (Field Court) a few miles from Gloucester. What about you?
I teach in a small primary school in forest of dean. wow, small world! :eek:

I orignally come from Cheltenham, I used to go to school at St Peter's in Gloucester. My mum works in Quedgley

Wow i know 2 people who teach at St Peters, including my cousin!!! :wave:
Saw this & thought of you!!!!

You know when you are a teacher when...

You can spot incorrect grammar and spelling a mile off.

You know all of the top children's TV shows.

You can make up games on the spot.

You realise there are never enough pencils/gluesticks/scissors in the world.

You see a child misbehaving in the supermarket you automatically give them "the glare".

You have perfected "the glare" which turns any child to stone.

You find yourself clicking at blank pages hoping this will make a child's work magically appear.

You are immune to the smell of farts and urine.

A social life was a thing you used to have.

You know the life story of every single child in your class, and can recognise them all from the back of their head.

Wine is essential to help you mark books.

You have programmed yourself to say "my love" or "yes darling" instead of "you fucker".

In the same way, you automatically say "oh sugar" when something goes wrong.

You dread notes from parents.

You dream of decorating displays.

The word OFSTED or OBSERVATION sends blind panic through your system.

Weekends are spent planning for next week, holidays are spent writing reports.

You can't remember the last time you blow dried or straightened your hair.

You get excited in Hobbycraft!

You can maintain a straight face in ANY situation.

You soon realised that although school hours are 8.30-3.30, your day begins at 6am and finishes at 10pm.

Stupid names of children in your class become the norm to you.

Also, you realise some names you will never name your own children, due to experiences with children who have that name!

Tea and Coffee are your life.

The staffroom is your sanctuary.

Packed lunches are a part of daily life.

You want to choke a person when they say "Oh, you must have such FUN everyday. This must be like playtime for you."

You also want to stab any person who says the following with a compass "Teaching? That's just about learning how to write on a whiteboard right?"

You know what all the "must haves" for children are right now.

Knowing it's all about the blag.

You know everything there is to know about Jacqueline Wilson books.

You can sense misbehaviour without actually seeing it.

The sound of the photocopier haunts you in your sleep.

You don't know whether to laugh or cry when someone says "Teaching? That's a 9-3 job! You're so lucky!" - FUCK OFF!

When a lunchtime supervisor/helper/ta comes into your class to complain openly about them, you find yourself saying "OH dear, how sad" in an overly dramatic way!

You say things once, then repeat them, then ask if everyone understands what you are saying, before repeating again.

Your writing is now always joined up!

You know at least 5 different methods of doing multiplication (not including a calculator)

You secretly love it when a child in your class has a birthday - sweeties!

You get fed up with different news reports everyday from politicans telling you how to do your job - why don't they spend a day in a school for a change?

You find yourself using cliche teacher phrases that you swore to yourself you would never use - e.g. "pens down, arms folded, eyes front." "I'm sorry Reece, you clearly have something more important to say/be doing than concentrating on my lesson" "tuck your shirt in" etc etc

You find yourself pleading with supermarket cashiers for more vouchers for schools: "Can I please have your unused vouchers? You see I teach at..."

You start the beginning of each new term with a full set of stationary, only for it to go missing within a week. Therefore next time you write "MR/MS X" on everything, only to find this doesn't work either.

When you are out shopping in the town of your school you are greeted with at least five cries of "Hi Miss/Mr!!"

The people you work with (aka the students) are obsessed with finding out what your first name is.

You are familiar with the following abbreviations; SMT, TA, HLTA, MA, EAL, MFL, ICT, DT, NQT, QTS, SEN, GCSE, CGFS, NNS, NLS, NC, AS, SATs, HoD, HoY... and if you teach sex ed STD
AnnaR2B said:
Wow i know 2 people who teach at St Peters, including my cousin!!! :wave:

You're going to have to tell me who now!!! You're not one of the Dowle clan are you?

It is a small world indeed!! :wave:

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