Telling Work you are Pregnant


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
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:wave: :wave: 12 week scan is next Wednesday and I have decided I'm goin to tell my boss the I'm preg on Thursday!!

The reason is because I am a Fundraiser and my boss is beginning to fill my diary up with collections and events for the year:shock: Today he's put me down to manage two supermarket collections slap bang in the middle of July!!...At this point I should be the size of a house and will have hopefully begun my maternity leave!!

I am beginning to cringe every time he mentions dates after my due date as I feel quite bad about the whole thing. It's stupid and I know I shouldn't feel guilty but I do!! :rotfl:

oooh good luck with your scan - mine is Monday afternoon!! :D and :pray: in equal measures at the moment for me, not sure what you are feeling....

and good luck telling work!
I'm waiting for a pay review which is already overdue. I've been working there a year last week and people keep mentioning the review but it never gets finalised.

At this rate I"m really worried that it won't happen before I tell them (at 12 weeks hopefully). It's really annoying, because I don't want the fact that I am preg to affect how much, if any pay rise I get.

I'll be thinking of you both for your scans, I'm soooo jealous!!

I told my boss after scan, I had such a positive repsonse, it was so moving...they all know how much I want to be a mummy and were delighted

At the time, I was nervous about telling them, there was a promotion and it was down to me and a collegue (who is also my best friend)..I really thought the pregnancy would stop me getting it, it didnt and I got the job. I was delighted.

I know I am lucky to work for such a fantastic company, not everyone is so lucky but I wish you all the luck in the world telling them and I bet you will be amazed by how excited everyone is for you xxxx
I still haven't told my boss yet. I was going to mention it this week but am still awaiting results of the CVS test :( and also, quite out of the blue, he gave me a pay rise! :clap:

So now I'm waiting a couple of weeks. :)


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