The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

I would do a test anyway just so you know - there's no harm in taking one.

If its negative then I would ring your gp and make an appointment I see them and ask about your cramps x

Yeah I think I will do one Monday morning has I will be able to get hold of one then. And Its my OH 23rd Birthday also. So Im hoping I will get my :bfp: And that would be a lovely present for him. Im not getting my hopes up though as I said we didn't really try that hard. So I will be surprised if its positive.

If its negative I will see my Doctor Tuesday to see what I can do. Thanks for that advice And I hope your okay and have a nice hot bath :)
Anytime hun.

I've had a lovely hot bath, so so glad to be home and in the warm - although the 3 hour drive has worn me out xxx
Just to a hotel, we have booked a swanky one to make the most of it cos we can only stay for one night. He's taking me out for dinner tonight cos I've been bummed out today lol. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Hey Im new to was my first day taking clomid a little nervous of what the side effects are going to be :confused:....hoping one cycle will be all that I need for a :bfp: Good luck to everyone else!! Lots of :dust:
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Hiya Hun welcome to the clomid thread :)

Don't worry about the side effects - you may not get any. I think the one that was most common between us ladies was the hot flushes!

Good luck and I hope it works for you xxxx
Hey Im new to was my first day taking clomid a little nervous of what the side effects are going to be :confused:....hoping one cycle will be all that I need for a :bfp: Good luck to everyone else!! Lots of :dust:


I'm on 100 and side effects were hot flushes, emotional, painful ov and mood swings lol! I'm on my second round of it, it worked on round one as I ovulated for the first time and it cut my cycle from over 100 days down to 32 which is fab! I'm in the 2ww at the mo and am 10dpo so hopefully my BFP is on the way!

Fx for you hun!


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
Pinkdiamond - try some concieve plus lube, its sperm friendly and u can buy it in boots. Do not use any other type of lube ie durex as it will kill sperm.
hey hun, i'm ok - feeling rather sick!! But im not letting it get to me! It has killed my appetite now tho!!

How are you hun? xx
im good thankyou, tired out with a 6 yr old and an 8 month old both getting about and trying to clean and cook dinner but i will not be defeated lol!!

i felt sick at night time with lacie from about 7pm untill i finally fell asleep it was so horrible, it tired me out. id so prefer to feel sick in the morning/ midday! its all a good sign though and all part of pregnancy so youve just got to hope it eases in 2nd tri
Good luck for tomorrow MissJ :)

Hope you're having a nice time xx
Good luck miss j - will be stalking!!!

Welcome jojo x
Hey girls, although I don't feel any symptoms I'll do a hpt when I get home, if it's bfn I'll do another on Monday at some point or I'll wait til Wednesday or Thursday. I've had twinges but other than that, nothing. Not feeling overly hopeful but we'll see! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
good luck missj ill be thread stalking allllllll afternoon and evening now :p
Upside down pic sorry! Not sure I see anything so will test next week. X


Tap Tap Tapatalking!
good luck missj :D iv seen your test but i cant comment because i want ur bfp as much as i wanted mine so my eyes may be making a line!!! FX FOR U MISSJ X X X
Thanks hun, I thought I could see something but I didn't want to squint so going to leave it til next week. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
yeah so did i, i even zoomed in lol.... good luck x x cant u use a FR next week when u du test? i hate these ic, but i know how expensive it would get every month if we didnt use them too!
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I've got my clear response tests I might use one on Tuesday....I've got my sister over at the mo so I couldn't spend long line spotting either lol. X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!

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