Thinking of the next one


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2014
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Hi everyone;

My gorgeous little girl is 12 weeks old now and I'm thinking about when we want the next one.

I have a 10 year old son as well and want to have a smaller gap next time if possible.

I thought I'd want to start trying again in January 2021 however we've discussed maybe January 2020.

When my husband first said that I was taken aback as I thought it seems crazy to be trying before she's turned one even if it's just before. However I'm starting to think it might be nice.

Basically we're aiming for somewhere between a 1 - 3 year age gap. Is anyone else unsure when they'll be wanting to start trying again.
Hi donna! Congratulations on your little girl. I’ve a 10 month old boy and hubs and I have just decided to start trying again next month. We’re hoping for around a 2 year age gap but I’m still nursing so we’ll see how it goes! I know what you mean when you say it’s crazy before they even turn one. Our thinking has been that we’re still having sleepless nights anyway haha and it’d be nice for this one to not fondly remember a time prior to having siblings.
Congratulations on your little boy and the decision to start trying next month, good luck with TTC.

That's a good way of looking at it :) I can see the pro's and con's to doing it sooner and later, so I suppose we'll have to wait and see when we decide to just go for it.
Hi everyone;

My gorgeous little girl is 12 weeks old now and I'm thinking about when we want the next one.

I have a 10 year old son as well and want to have a smaller gap next time if possible.

I thought I'd want to start trying again in January 2021 however we've discussed maybe January 2020.

When my husband first said that I was taken aback as I thought it seems crazy to be trying before she's turned one even if it's just before. However I'm starting to think it might be nice.

Basically we're aiming for somewhere between a 1 - 3 year age gap. Is anyone else unsure when they'll be wanting to start trying again.

Hey you!! Hope you are doing well! My little guy is 3 months today!! <3

I honestly am not sure when I will have another one. My boy has been a handful and has almost scared me out of having another kid. haha BUT, if we do, we plan on trying next summer/fall, at least that is what my husband wants. I'm not sure if I can handle two kids though under two, so I might convince him to wait a little longer and wait till he is 2-3 years old before trying again.
Me! I have a six month old son who took 2.5 years to conceive. and I was going to start trying this month as I’m thinking it could take just as long with number 2 if I’m lucky to get pregnant again. I’m in two minds. I really want another baby but I’m scared of a small age gap. I think it’s the unknown. My husband is ready for baby number 2 now. So I think I’ll start getting myself healthy and see what happens!

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