This may be harder than i thought


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Hiya girls

Well, my OH took an at home fertility (sperm) test last thursday and it came back negative, so we could be in for a difficult time. There's a 2nd one in the packet that he'll be taking next week and if those results are also in the negative range then gonna get off to the docs. This is our 7th month of trying and OH was told when he was younger he may find it hard to conceive so hoping the doc will see us sooner rather than later. Not sure what our options will be if there definately is a problem as i already have a daughter wiv a previous partner. Any body know at all?? Feeling very down right now and not sure what to do next really. Also any success stories of low sperm count and natural conception are most welcome on this thread to give me some hope. Thanks ladies
Hello Puzzle :)

My husband has a chequered youth and is diabetic so i am quite concerned about his sperm quality.

I can only tell you tit bits of info i have come across that might apply...

It said somewhere to get your OH to ejaculate a couple of times between 2 and 7 days before ttc to get rid of any sperm that might have been sitting there a while and make him produce some fresh stuff.

Having sex more frequently than every 36 hours can reduce sperm count, which might not be a big deal to most but might make all the difference to you.

Also, he should be taking a zinc supplement and generally taking care of himself in regards to alcohol and smoking etc in particular.

My husband takes Wellman tablets.

No success stories i'm afraid, but i read that even if a man just has one single sperm then IVF is still a viable option.

What reason did the doctors give for his prognosis re your OH sperm count?
Hello Louise thanks for the reply
my OH has very small testicles, which is why the doctor said there may be a problem in the future when he had a check up at about 15 years old. He has been taking a zinc supplement for about 2 months now but i have heard it can be about 3 months before that even starts to have an effect so he will keep taking it and he takes a normal multivitamin too. Doesn't smoke or drink anymore been quite a while since he has done either. Is there any other known suplements that are meant to be good for sperm?
Thanks very much munchkin, i'll have a look around and see if i can find some of those.
im having the same problem OH has a low count too.
please get him to have a proper test at the doctors.

here if you need a chat xx
Thanks Ema-Lou that means a lot to me. Not got any people round here to talk to that have any idea what i am going through at the mo. Hoping to get the OH registered at his new doc's this week then going to sort out getting him an appointment so we know exactly what we're up against.
Just been reading some of your threads, looks like you are having a hard time of it again too hun, hope you are better soon and things settle down.

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