timing of our m/c's....

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Forgive me if this is insensitive but having suffered 3 miscarriages myself I am still very curious about the whys and hows and WHEN's of m/c...

My specialist has told me that most m/c occur before 8 weeks so I was wondering if you mind sharing the timings of your heartbreaking losses as I myself have had 3 very different timings;

1st m/c 1990 at 5 wks
2nd m/c 1992 at 14 wks heartbeat seen at 12 wks
3rd m/c 2005 at 8 weeks heatbeat seen at 6 wks

again.. apologies if this is not an appropriate post - I don't want to upset anyone.

I don't mind sharing, it is interesting to know actually.

1st m/c June '04 - 5 weeks
2nd m/c September '04 - 6 weeks.
Anna Marie,
I think it's good to ask these questions. There was a fascinating documentary on BBC 2 last Thursday about miscarraige. Did you see it? There's a unit at one of the big hospitals in London that's doing pioneering work into miscarraige. I remember the specialist saying that at weeks 8 & 9 the embryo can get rejected by the Mother because she has an antibody in her blood that makes her clot (I think I've got that right. To be honest I was overwhelmed by the emotion of the programme and was more fascinated by the case studies. I cried the whole way through it) and so the baby gets rejected. I think up until those weeks if the body rejects the embryo it is because of genetic problems.
Sorry if talking about this programme is hurtful or insensitive to anyone.
I missed the programme but yes I knew about the clot / antibody condition.. I was actually tested for it after my last m/c in August but all was fine.

I have just replied to our other thread S and said similar that week 6,8 and 10 are apparently the most crucial and risky.. but to me every day is risky until the baby is born!!!!!!!!
I missed that programme too, would have been interesting to watch. I always put my m/c's down to just fate but the doc told me I might not be able to have children (this was without investigation and totally destroyed me - ar$ehole!)
Wow.. Sami what an arse indeed!!!

Its amazing how insensitive docs can be.. my second m/c occured when I was living in NY and I did not have any medical insurance so they treated me like sh*t, would hardly talk to me about it let alone do any tests etc so I returned to UK very sceptical and anti - doctors.

Last year my faith was restored a bit as the EPU were fab to me after my m/c.. but cos it was my 3rd they were able to start investigating and they were pretty thorough and when they found my polyp and cervial problems they referred me immediately and within a couple of months I had all sorted and biopsy results etc.. was very pleased. And this pregnancy so far they have offered me scans every 10 - 14 days if I want them.. had scans the last few mondays and its so great to be reassured.

A friend of mine who is now 40 has had 8 m/c and her GP just said to her "what do you expect at your age.. your eggs are too old".. can you imagine how upsetting that would be!!! She complained and is now being seen by a specialist but god how untactful can anyone be!!!!!
I don't think some doctors understand quite how much not being able to carry a baby can affect women.

Glad things are going so so much better this time for you. I remember being terryfied with Damien, especially as I bled for the first couple of months too. I remember seeing it and screaming in the toilet - I thought it was game over again. But seeing him on the minitor every week or 2 weeks made me so happy - I cried the first time I saw him, all 9mm of him!!

We can get there in the end though. Dispite what I've lost, I have now gained. I finally feel like I've moved on now that I have proved to myself 'I can do it'.
Its' going to be same for you Anna Marie.

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