Tips on Ttc :)


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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hey ladies I thought this would be really helpful especially for all you new Ttc :)

Anyone feel free to add I find its really helpful knowing do's and dont's x
For your men!!!

• no hot baths when trying to conceive, as he's testicles should stay cooler for healthier sperm.!
• the obvious is cutting out smoking as this can decrease the amount of sperm produced and COULD lead to DNA defects
• de-stress (if this is possible with us lady's nagging ;) ) as stress can negatively inpact sperm production.
• men should not ejaculate only near ovulation time as holding it in will make it less fertile and old but also do not have sex more than twice a day as sperm needs time to regenerate
• men should not go down a women when it's her fertile time as saliva can slow the sperm down lowering the percentage of pregnancy.

• your men need sleep! No sleep = rubbish sperm count
• eating a balanced diet and getting nutrients like zinc and selenium.
• let the boys hang loose (hehe) the cooler the better for the little spermies :)

For us ladies!! (We're to begin)


• no using lubes as not only does this slow sperm down some have spermicides in them!
• alcohol - if you frequently drink alcohol it's been known to knock your chances of conceiving up to 50%!
• stress which is easy said than done when Ttc

• ovulation sticks are useful when trying to conceieve as it pinpoints exactly when your lh surge is
• having sex three to four times a week will make sure your covered all month giving you a better chance of getting that bfp!
• eating healthy
• having sex before you ovulate!!! Do not have sex on you ovulation day (if using calendars or apps ect) as you will completely miss your egg, your egg wil only stay in you for 12-24 hours while sperm will stay on you for 3-5 on average!
• cutting caffeine out.
• foods -
*beans - they are a fertility-boosting food. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health looked at nearly 19,000 female nurses who were actively trying to get pregnant and found that infertility was 39 percent more likely in women with the highest intake of animal protein
* ice cream!!! (Yet)The Nurses' Health Study found that one or two daily servings of whole milk or whole milk products (like ice cream!) protect against ovulatory infertility. Skim and low-fat milk, surprisingly, do the opposite
* leafy greens - Spinach, romaine, arugula, broccoli, and other dark leafy greens are high in folate, a B vitamin that a few studies have shown may improve ovulation. Be sure to share the salad with your guy; men who get higher doses of folate make healthier sperm, potentially reducing the chances of miscarriage or genetic problems in the baby
* Wild Salmon
This cold-water fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help to regulate reproductive hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Salmon is also lower in mercury than other fatty fish. Look for salmon burgers in the frozen foods section of most grocery stores. Note: Stay away from shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, which the United States Environmental Protection Agency warns against if you're trying to get pregnant.


Jumping up and down after making love will get you pregnant
Seriously - does anybody actually believe this? You are more likely to conceive by relaxing in the afterglow your lovemaking has hopefully produced!
Putting your legs up against the wall after intercourse for 30 minutes or more will increase your chances
Sorry but the only thing that you increase your chances of are leg cramps! You want the best and fittest sperm to fertilise the egg and studies show that they get to where they need to be within ten minutes. So provided you don't jump up straight away (which may be considered a tad rude anyway!!) you should be fine.!
Hey! When you have been TTC for a long time, you will try ANYTHING.

Didn't try the jumping up and down, but definitely did the legs in the air (never lasted 30mins mind you).

Don't let your man use their laptop on their lap...warmth is BAUD.
Don't get so freaky with TTC with your man, very off putting for them

And have fun :) it will happen...oh and I cannot stress how NOT stressing about it helps. After 3 years of TTC it happened on a quicky, after my ov date and stress free.
Well there's always lots of ice-cream to eat!! Bonus!!!
Top tip of the day!! No showing your man your ovulation stick!!! Showing your man a stick you have just peed on... Not a turn on?!! Lol!
You have to be careful with fish aswell something to do with mercury? I thought that was only when pregnant.. But I was wrong lol. I love dairy. Which is good. Anyone tried anything strange to concieve ? Xx
I pretty much live on caffeine with skimmed milk, red wine, Fags and sushi. I've started to cut down the Fags (so far from 20 a day to 1 a day, but have only done 2days!) I can even pass on the wine, need to shift a stone and it can't help. I can be more selective about the sushi I have....

But dont take away my low fat coffee and oral!! Lol

When I have children they'll be reminded if all this, daily!
I was just looking for this thread to bump for you Pippa! Xx
Thanks for making this K Mummy, everyone on here is so helpful and supportive. I cannot wait to TTC next month if I've not already got my BFP. My OH thinks it will be easy to make a baby as a lot of our friends/people we know have accidentally fallen pregrent but knowing when you OV is so important.

I've become a complete stalker to this website, getting stupidly excited at BFPS and test pics! Lol :) x
Great thread! Though I must say I've heard doctors say that keeping your feet up after dtd can help as the gravity helps the swimmers in the right direction. I do it:)

I would recommend everyone to see "The great sperm race" which is a documentary about this:)

Other tips:
- soy (natural clomid to boost ovulation)
- agnus castus (to regulate long cycles)
- grapefruit juice (good for ewcm and lining)

Good luck girls!!
Haha ' no showing your man your ovulation stick' love it !!! Pippa I found the Nicorettelosengers really helped to cut down then quit as I'm still getting my nicotine and the clinic assures me they are completely safe so of I had to continue using then through a pregnancy I could.... Really helped with cravings xx
I had no idea about the oral sex bit!!!!
Omg I didn't know that about saliva and sperm :shock:

How am I supposed to keep bd'ing fun and spontaneous if we have to follow all these boring rules lol ;-) OH will defo get suspicious if I tell him no oral sex!

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