Took a pregnancy test yesyerday with one faint line and one strong line but....

I have never had a BFP but most of the ladies on here would say that false positives are very rare and any line no matter how faint is a positive - you could try posting a photo

Thanks, I throw it away will do another one in the morning and see what that says
i think the same hun....was the test 10umi, 15umi or 25umi do you know?

the dip tests ive been doing are 10umi and the CB was 25umi so im hoping its just cos my hcg level isnt high enough for a 25umi test....

ive went to asdas and got there own brand of 15umi so fingers crossed for 2morrow morning..

what ever happened to simple yes or no pregnancy tests lol x
i think the same hun....was the test 10umi, 15umi or 25umi do you know?

the dip tests ive been doing are 10umi and the CB was 25umi so im hoping its just cos my hcg level isnt high enough for a 25umi test....

ive went to asdas and got there own brand of 15umi so fingers crossed for 2morrow morning..

what ever happened to simple yes or no pregnancy tests lol x

It was a 25umi, I tried the asda own brand as well and that gave me a negative, I just went to the pound shop and got one called first aid thats the one that has gave me two faint lines so far.

I really hope it works for you.

I agree nothing is made simple these days lol
Good luck Denise and Ema for the morning FMU tests, so the tests giving you both BFN's could be picking up HCG less than the 25 umi then, and the others with faint lines are more sensitive - that makes sense now...
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Took another test this morning and it was negative, looks like i am not pregnant :eh:
Ahh sorry Denise, but remember you not out till AF arrives! fingers crossed while you wait X
Aw Denise, I feel your pain.I'm on day 31 of a 27/28 day cycle and have had 3 bfn's so just waitin' for the witch.Testin' once more tomorrow morn and then makin a docs appoint if its another bfn.
Thanks to you both, I am still slightly confused i am 3 days late for the witch and had two negatives and two positives, so i just assumed with two negatives means i aint, because the positives were very faint lines.
I'm the same as you Denise, I never get faint positives on the dip tests and I've been doin this for 10months now, then when I finally do get a line all other tests are negative.
I think it's just too early to pic it up on the other tests at the mo coz ur only 3 days late and I'm only one lol.
Its really frustrating lol, i did the the worse thing and googled it and all i seem to find is that you never get a false positive but its possible to get false negatives.
Going to wait till next weekend and test again. Because at the moment i have symptoms of swollen stomach, little bumps on the nipples and tender breast and sore back ,plus temps going through the roof at times lol. So there is still a chance i am or the witch is coming lol.
Fingers crossed for you. Hope you get your :bfp: next time you test.
Hello all, I got a faint positive about a week ago was faint but clear as day could even see it when I held it away from my face, then I took another one and the second line was so faint you could hardly see it, infact I thought it was a negative until I held it up close to my face and could see the faintest pink bottom half of a line. This was a first response test, they are suppose to be able to test you 6 days before your missed period, I have not missed my period yet and have taken about 6 more tests In the last week and all were negative. If I am pregnant I would only be about 3 weeks 2 days along as that is the last time I had unprotected sex, I have been using all first response tests. I have been getting pregnancy symptoms, period like cramps for the last 3 weeks and that's not normal for me, I don't get period pain during periods and I certainly don't get these other symptoms before my period is due. my breasts are fuller and itchy, my stomach is itchy, ive been bloated for the last two weeks, when I look in the mirror my stomach looks so round and its hard, looks like im 5 months pregnant but I know I am not more far along than I think before I had sex on the last day of my period which I know is not a fertile time but I know its not impossible I think I may have started ovulating strait away. My cycles have been all over the place for the last few months, ive been having long cycles and short cycles. started having period like cramps about 4 days after having sex and I have just finished my period. my nipples are also bigger and my veins in my breasts are showing. but I know you can get pregnancy symptoms before you are able to get a positive test. with my last two pregnancys I wasn't able to get a positive result until after 4 weeks along, do you think im just testing too early still?
The key thing I suppose is when do you think AF is due? There us no point taking tests too early. And I think if you have a positive and then get negatives it could be a chemical pregnancy. I would leave it for a few days. AF will either show up or not which is the only true test!
Have you thought about using OPK tests? Before I did one month of them I was fantasising about ovulation all over the cycle and I think it is unlikely that the hormonal combos would allow ovulation immediately after a period but then sperm can survive a week or so!

I would make a GP appointment to tell them how erratic your cycle is and find out how long they leave that before testing you x

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