Travelling alone with a baby heyelp!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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I have to fly with l/o next week. Oh wise ones please give me some tips!! :petal:

I can see it being like a carry on film tbh :oooo:
Ooo didn't want to read and run! Good luck! Going anywhere nice?

I havent got any tips hun as I havent done it yet but my friend flies alone with her baby all the time and she did reassure me that people always offer to help :) xx
Just flying to The mainland so my rellies can meet l/o. I'm gonna have to take the buggy and then the car seat and my luggage and the baby eeeeeeeek!!!
Can you not get away with just taking your moby and car seat? x that'd lessen a bit x
Just tell the staff that you're travelling alone and ask if someone can help you. You will manage fine hun x

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Use your moby to carry little one around the airport and get a trolley to load car seat , buggy, luggage etc. You will then have hands free to push trolley. You will also be able to check everything in of if you prefer you can just check everything else on and keep the buggy till the gate. Are you ff or bf ? If ff take twice as mich as you will need for plane as you never know! Same with nappies, Dummies etc. I put my money, passport rtc in changing bag so then only got one bag rather than handbag too. You want to keep the items you are responsible for to minimum! Finally I have always found some sort of wrap useful as can drape it over shoulder and over lo to help sleeping as its always bright and noisy on planes! Finally people will help out but ad it's only a short flight keep your coffee intake down! It's a nightmare trying to go to loo on Plane with baby and you might not want air hostess to hold lo. You will be find though. It's easier at they staff. Whirs they start walking x
No idea what happened to end of post still not good at bfing and typing at same time! Was trying to say you will be fine. Although daunting once you have done it you willbe proud of yourself. Easier until they start walking! X
Thanks girls :good: I'm planning on using the moby or I think it would be near impossible. I'm bf'ing so that can take care of itself (I hope). Going for a week so I think I need the buggy. I wonder if I'll be allowed a changing bag as well as hand luggage :eh:
Everything Kbex sounds good. I flew with G at 12 weeks (an 8 hr flight) and I took my sling and then my car seat on the travel system base. Try to time your feeds so that you can be bf on take off and landing so LO is swallowing to equalise ears. The staff I'm sure will be lovely - they were great with helping me. Enjoy :)
Check with the airline about whether you can have both bags - tbh if you can stick to just the changing bag it will make your life easier.
We went back home when F was 2weeks old for just under a week and only took sling. Never missed the pushchair and it also ensured I got some time with her :eek:p Xx good luck tho, you'll be fine Xx
The reason for the buggy is that I need to leave him with my dad one day whilst me and mum get pampered :yay: no way dad could figure out the moby lol x
I flew from NI to UK on my own when C was 6 weeks old, went with flybe. I had buggy base, maxi cosi and change bag. I kept him in buggy until scanner part. I then had to put maxi cosi and change bag through, while carrying Colby. The buggy base was taken by staff to be checked elsewhere. I had to take my shoes off so did that before carrying him through. Staff offered to help (but I'm stubborn and wanted to prove that I could do it myself). I also had coat etc draped over buggy so easily removed to go straight through check. Then as soon as through popped him back in maxi cosi. He stayed in there right up until departure gate door, where I explained to staff how to collapse my buggy while I held C again. My change bag was big enough for magazine, expressed bottle etc (didn't have to check milk) they just asked to look through bag as I had left my lansinoh cream in it be accident, they took it out and put in my plastic bag. Only part I found a faff was then getting my things gathered together etc

I was in a window seat beside propeller, I fed before we took off, he slept whole way across and then fed after we landed. I think the noise and vibrations of propeller put him to sleep and thankfully I had a really nice guy beside we who didn't mind that I had baby etc.

I'm sure you'll be grand and there is plenty of help along the way especially when they see you're on your own. Have a lovely trip back to see your parents

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