Triplets born@25 weeks updated a yr on!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Ok i know these babies are not mine, but i have become very close to louise there mum.. we spoke alot whilst bailey was in scbu

she was having a rough time and her waters broke monday 25th evening, she had steroids and meds to stop contractions, but nothing worked and when they examined her late afternoon tuesday 26th June there was a bum coming out so they wipped her up to surgery and got babys out..

Grace the girl is the stronger one weighjing in at 2lb 2oz's, she has tried to come off the ventalator cos she didnt like the tubes etc.. but after 3 hours had to go back on... she is now on 4 ml's of milk per hour..

Joesph, weighing in at 1lb 9oz's is ok they havent tried him off the ventalator as yet cos hes a little more poorlier..

and harry the smallest of them all and even more poorlier weighed in at 1lb 2 oz's, he has had a bleed to the brain..

obviously any baby born at 25 weeks there will be problems to overcome.. but imagine how louise is coping with 3 babys born at 25 weeks, she is being so strong bless her...

These babys are fighting for there lives and i ask you pray for them, i will be staying in touch with louise and when im allowed to see the triplets i will get a few pics for you all to see.... :pray: :pray:

but please pray with me that these babys come out of this ok.. its going to be a long struggle but i wish the family my utmost best... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

**update 8th july 2007***

Had a text off louise yesterday!

this is what she says...

" had a good day today, grace is now on cpap, had my first cuddle and it was lovely!

Joesph and harry might be tried on cpap tomorrow!

things are loking good especially for grace.. lets hope the boys can follow there sisters progress..."

going to leave it for another week or so then im going up to see the triplets and if im allowed will get some pics for you :hug:

**update 19th July 2007***

A new text from louise states...

Things are very up and down! grace has a hole in her heart and they have been talking about transfering her to leeds.
Joesph and harry are both up and down, but they are all on CPAP so thats something. It really is a rollercoaster!

Update 17th august!!!

Things not to bad here, grace and joesph are both off cpap now, grace is now on 3 hourly feeds, joseph is on 2 hourly and they are both sharing a cot! Harry has been a bit slower, having an hour off cpap every 6 hours, he'll get there eventually!
Weights arnt great, only joesph has hit a kilo! grace weighs 980 grams and harry 970 grams. We are going to have a kilo party when they all hit it! We are going to have to buy things soon!

things are ooking up for these triplets, my thoughts are with them all....
I hope and pray that her triplets will over come their struggles.
SSS is there any word on your friend Louise's triplets. I am praying they're getting stronger everyday.
Sending loads of hugs and prayers. :hug: :hug: :hug: :pray: :pray: :pray:
oh lord. that poor woman.

she is in my thoughts. i hope the babys go from strenth to strenth. medicine is amazing nowadays
Thanks everyone..

i have told her i have posted about her triplets on the forum and you all send your thoughts to her, she doesnt have a comp but when she does she will be joining the forum

updated 1st post!
:pray: grace gets better soon.. :pray:

hoping joseph and harry carry on getting better! :pray:
as the mother of a prem baby born at 25 weeks these babys and their family are in my prayers.

ive had 6 weeks of that rollercoaster so far, ive a long way to go and so have those babies mummy and daddy x3, it will be so hard, good days are so wonderful but bad days knock you off your feet completely. its so stressful, i just hope the babies have a trouble free time and get bigger and better really really soon.

good luck to them all.xxxxxxx :pray:
Hiya grace, i have updated the 1st post with a text from louise!

how is your little one coming along!

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