Unsuccessful ECV this morn


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
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I wanted to create this thread to let other ladies know what happens at an ECV (baby turning) appointment, as I really didn't know what to expect before today.

I had an appointment in the delivery suite of my local hospital this morning at 10am. I was put onto the baby heartbeat monitor by a midwife for about an (or seemed that long!) a tube was put into the back of my hand, and my blood pressure was taken right at the start. After some backwards and forwards by the midwife, she eventually came in with a Dr who told me what was going to happen. My blood pressure was taken again, she felt my bump and scanned the baby to confirm presentation. She explained that as baby's legs were straight (so baby was in a v shape) it wasn't hopeful for an ECV. After being given the chance to go to the bathroom, they returned to the room and administerred the stuff to relax my uterus, I felt it go up into my shoulder and then to my chest, I felt my heart race and was told to take deep breathes. (Luckily I used to suffer with panic attacks so recognised the feeling and knew to breathe deeply and slowly).

A rolled up sheet was placed under my left side to slightly tilt me ad my legs were bent. It was a bit hard to follow their instructions after they had administerred the relaxant so kind of wish they had done things the other way round but straight afterwards the Dr and midwife started the proceedure of trying to turn the baby. They first tried anticlockwise but that didn't work as we later found the placenta was in the way so baby didn't want to turn, then they tried the other way. The Dr dug her fingers in a bit low down which hurt, while the midwife kept the head in place at the top of my belly. All the while I squeezed my boyfriend's hand. (Sorry about that hun!! :lol: xx).

I heard them discussing what was happening all the time and it didn't sound hopeful, I also (obviously) felt baby move slightly which just felt a bit like pressure, but it wasn't enough. After about 5 mins they stopped, scanned my belly again to confirm that baby was still breech and that was that! :shock:

The midwife then put me back on the baby heart monitor for about 20 mins and then said she would be back with dates for my C-Section. She came back after a while, took my blood pressure again and gave me the option of 2 dates. We chose next Weds 27.10.10, drank the lovely cuppa's they ave us, and was on our way!

We have an appt on Thurs with the anesthetist to discuss the op! :shock:

Natasha. x
Good luck for the 27th hon - realy useful to read this as I had no idea what they do in this situation x x x
good luck hun, when they tried to turn my youngest he kept flipping back round again as soon as they let go of my belly lol so after about 45min of them trying to turn him they decided that i was going in for an emergency section as they had already started inducing me the night before....when they checked his position for inducing me he was head down but apparently he had flipped during one of my contractions overnight xxx
oh that's a shame that it didn't work for you but at least you have a date for your section!
That is gutting hun...sometimes they just dont want to budge...good luck for ur apt on thursday and then for next wednesday!! Goodluck il have everything crossed for you :) xx
gd luck for the 27th! must be exiting knowing what day ur baby is going to born xx
Sorry it didn't work hun. Good luck for section next Weds, at least u know when ur gonna have ur baby and its earlier too! :) Very interesting read too, really didn't realise it was that involved x x
Sorry it didn't work honey x good luck for the 27th! x
Little monkey not turning! ahh nice to to have a date now to work towards, nice to be 38 weeks too, were having a 39 plus section this time
Thanks every1! I am really nervous but like you say, it's nice to have a date for the birth! Do people do birth stories for planned sections??

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