Upset about my Dad


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hiya ladies, I hope I'm posting in the right place, just wanted to have a rant about my Dad!! He lives up country and I haven't seen him in a few years, mainly because he doesn't bother with myself or my brother. He loves my sister and makes an effort to keep in contact with her. Since I got pregnant I've been the one to speak to him and keep him updated and he seemed very excited about it. My OH and I have arranged to go and see him at the end of this month, and my sister will be there (She lives in London). I feel a bit guilty cause my sister is very excited about my pregnancy and I don't get to include her in things as she's so far away, so I've booked a scan with BabyBond for when we are all together, that way my Dad can be there aswell. I phoned him to tell him, and his reaction was 'Oh. I don't know what we're going to be doing.' :shock: I thought to myself, 'Haven't I just given us something to do?' He then went on to say 'And we don't know if your stepmum will be working,' which I'm upset about cause they said she would book time off when we told them which dates we were going up, which we did a few weeks ago. I'm really upset now..My sister is ecstatic and we're planning to have the scan anyway..Another reason why I booked it was because I needed cheering up cause I've felt so miserable and now I feel worse. Sorry, just wanted to rant :cry:
Hiya ladies, I hope I'm posting in the right place, just wanted to have a rant about my Dad!! He lives up country and I haven't seen him in a few years, mainly because he doesn't bother with myself or my brother. He loves my sister and makes an effort to keep in contact with her. Since I got pregnant I've been the one to speak to him and keep him updated and he seemed very excited about it. My OH and I have arranged to go and see him at the end of this month, and my sister will be there (She lives in London). I feel a bit guilty cause my sister is very excited about my pregnancy and I don't get to include her in things as she's so far away, so I've booked a scan with BabyBond for when we are all together, that way my Dad can be there aswell. I phoned him to tell him, and his reaction was 'Oh. I don't know what we're going to be doing.' :shock: I thought to myself, 'Haven't I just given us something to do?' He then went on to say 'And we don't know if your stepmum will be working,' which I'm upset about cause they said she would book time off when we told them which dates we were going up, which we did a few weeks ago. I'm really upset now..My sister is ecstatic and we're planning to have the scan anyway..Another reason why I booked it was because I needed cheering up cause I've felt so miserable and now I feel worse. Sorry, just wanted to rant :cry:
so he doesnt want to go anymore? thats rubbish :( Just go with your sister and make a day of it. Tell him he can either go or not and if he doesnt its his loss. But dont let it upset you hun :hug:
Hiya ladies, I hope I'm posting in the right place, just wanted to have a rant about my Dad!! He lives up country and I haven't seen him in a few years, mainly because he doesn't bother with myself or my brother. He loves my sister and makes an effort to keep in contact with her. Since I got pregnant I've been the one to speak to him and keep him updated and he seemed very excited about it. My OH and I have arranged to go and see him at the end of this month, and my sister will be there (She lives in London). I feel a bit guilty cause my sister is very excited about my pregnancy and I don't get to include her in things as she's so far away, so I've booked a scan with BabyBond for when we are all together, that way my Dad can be there aswell. I phoned him to tell him, and his reaction was 'Oh. I don't know what we're going to be doing.' :shock: I thought to myself, 'Haven't I just given us something to do?' He then went on to say 'And we don't know if your stepmum will be working,' which I'm upset about cause they said she would book time off when we told them which dates we were going up, which we did a few weeks ago. I'm really upset now..My sister is ecstatic and we're planning to have the scan anyway..Another reason why I booked it was because I needed cheering up cause I've felt so miserable and now I feel worse. Sorry, just wanted to rant :cry:
so he doesnt want to go anymore? thats rubbish :( Just go with your sister and make a day of it. Tell him he can either go or not and if he doesnt its his loss. But dont let it upset you hun :hug:
Have you told him how they do the scan? My dad was a bit freaked out til I explained it was only my belly that he would have to see :roll:

If it's not that and he's just being an arse, then bollocks to him, and have fun with your sister :hug:
oh hun! families can be funny sometimes :hug:

your sis sounds Sooooo excited though so take the day to share the amazing experience together :D


hun thats a shame but really it would be their lose if they dont want to come you and your sister take the day and enjoy yoruselves :hug:

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