VBAC Or C - Section

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Just a question for the girls who have had previous sections. Will you be going for VBAC or another section?

Have you met with your consultant yet to discuss it? I really want another section and am worried they are going to make me have a VBAC
Ahh finally someone in my position.

I had an emergency c-section 4 years ago, it was so traumatic.. and my scar never properly healed.. it's still bright red and sore at times..

I want another c-section but my consultant is pressuring me so much to have a VBAC

It is your choice.. you dont have to have a VBAC.. they will try to pressure you into having a VBAC but if another c-section is what you want, then stand by your decision.

I fell victim to pressure with my son.. I didn't want to breast-feed him but I was so pressured into doing it that I ended up stressing myself out about it. I wish I'd put my foot down now. Nothing wrong with a woman who knows what she wants.

I've just been through this scenario too but I wanted to try for a VBAC. My consultant was fab - maybe I was lucky but she didn't try to pressure me either way and wanted to know what we wanted to do and discussed my concerns for both options. My consultant gave me to one week overdue to go naturally otherwise it was elective section for me. As it happened I went into labour naturally but ended up with an emergency section.

My advice is to research the pros and cons for both so when you do talk to your consultant you can show them you've thought hard about it and are making an informed choice.
Thanks girls i feel better now.

So they will try to pressure me but it's ultimately my choice? VBAC is not even an option for me.. I will never go through what i went through last time again.

The thought of a natural birth makes me panic, my midwife was really nice yesterday and said she would refer me to the most easily persuaded consultant she knows :pray:

She has written in my notes how anxious i am as i burst into tears when i was talking to her about it. I just want the appointment to roll on, once i know i can definately have a sectin i will feel so much better
Becky said:
I've just been through this scenario too but I wanted to try for a VBAC. My consultant was fab - maybe I was lucky but she didn't try to pressure me either way and wanted to know what we wanted to do and discussed my concerns for both options. My consultant gave me to one week overdue to go naturally otherwise it was elective section for me. As it happened I went into labour naturally but ended up with an emergency section.

My advice is to research the pros and cons for both so when you do talk to your consultant you can show them you've thought hard about it and are making an informed choice.

How come if you went a week overdue they do section? Do they not like to induce you when you have had a previous section?
I have had 1 emergency section, then wqith 2nd doc would not let me try to have a VBAC, so had a planned section, but this time i really dont wanna a section so seeing doc on 12th feb, hoping he will let me try for a VBAC :pray: :pray:
I was reading in my pregnancy pack about c-sections and VBAC and i'm pretty sure it did say after 2 sections you then will have to have another section, i think due to the scar tissue being weaker and its more dangerous to have VBAC.

They should not have forced you to have a section 2nd time round if you wanted a VBAC, i thought they pushed you into VBACs more than sections. :hug:
jo jo said:
I was reading in my pregnancy pack about c-sections and VBAC and i'm pretty sure it did say after 2 sections you then will have to have another section, i think due to the scar tissue being weaker and its more dangerous to have VBAC.

They should not have forced you to have a section 2nd time round if you wanted a VBAC, i thought they pushed you into VBACs more than sections. :hug:

im tiny so i think the reason they think my daughter got0 stuck was due to the size of my pelvis
but my daughter was huge and my son was tiny, so im going to say if i have another 7lb baby like my son will they let m,e try then, god i'll be gutted if i have to have another section :cry:
i haven't met with my consultant yet but im going to push for a vaginal delivery this time after c section with luke, its personal choice but i had a horrendous c section and the thought of going through that again scares me to death but at the end of the day i will do what is advised for me at the time.

im sure if your experiencewas that bad hun they will listen to your concerns and understand your fears. :hug:
jo jo said:
Becky said:
My consultant gave me to one week overdue to go naturally otherwise it was elective section for me. As it happened I went into labour naturally but ended up with an emergency section.

How come if you went a week overdue they do section? Do they not like to induce you when you have had a previous section?

My consultant said that because with induced labour contractions etc are stronger that there is greater risk of the scar rupturing so they prefer to avoid it which was fine with me as I had a horrible induction with DD.

I think if you get a good consultant then you shouldn't have a problem with you having an elective section but if you do have problems you can ask for a second opinion.
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I went through a 2 day labour after induction with my son resulting in him getting so distressed they had to perform an emergency c section, it was pretty rushed and my husband nearly missed my son being born by the time he got into theatre with me. I really don't want to go through all that again, so i really want a planned c section. I met my consultant at 12 weeks and she did try to talk me into a VBAC without too much pressure, but did remind me that it is ultimately my choice. So we are meeting again at 36 weeks to plan my delivery date at around 38-39 weeks. If i was to go into labour naturally before my agreed date i would still get my c section wherever possible which is reassuraning.

Please try not to feel unhappy or pressured in any way. Its terrible that in this day and age women can't choose the type of health care they wish! Good luck xxx
MammyHip said:
I went through a 2 day labour after induction with my son resulting in him getting so distressed they had to perform an emergency c section, it was pretty rushed and my husband nearly missed my son being born by the time he got into theatre with me. I really don't want to go through all that again, so i really want a planned c section. I met my consultant at 12 weeks and she did try to talk me into a VBAC without too much pressure, but did remind me that it is ultimately my choice. So we are meeting again at 36 weeks to plan my delivery date at around 38-39 weeks. If i was to go into labour naturally before my agreed date i would still get my c section wherever possible which is reassuraning.

Please try not to feel unhappy or pressured in any way. Its terrible that in this day and age women can't choose the type of health care they wish! Good luck xxx

Thats exactly what happened with me. I was induced at 12 days over and she started to get distresed so i was rushed down for a section 2 days later.

I just dont think i can go through it again. I want a nice experience ths time and i think section is best

Thanks for your replies :hug:
Im in the same situation -previous emergency section, but I would really like a VBAC - but I want to be induced at 38 weeks if the baby is getting big instead of elective section - but I know the doc will refuse. In my hospital if I decide to opt for VBAC they will let me go ten days over and then induce, which I think is stupid because by then the baby will probably definitely be too big and ill end up with another emergency section - which I do not want.
Ella - I was the same, the last thing I wanted was to be induced, only to end up with an emergency section. As it happened I went into labour naturally and ended up with an emergency section BUT - the difference this time is that they made the decision to go for a section a lot earlier. My midwife explained that because of my previous section they would be quicker to make the decision for section than if I had only had natural births. She said it's just not worth letting you go too long so this time although my section was classed as "emergency" it was more like a planned section because it was a lot calmer and because it happened earlier in my labour I had only had G&A so wasn't spaced out like last time when I was on morphine.

It was a lovely experience despite the circumstances and because I had told my midwife all my concerns before, she was able to make sure that we avoided them.
Hi all, I had an emergancy section last time but this time would love a VBAC...the consultant told me that i have to go back to see them at 36 weeks and then they will decide??? Also they said that they would let me go over and they will break my waters and leave me as long as possible but wont induce due to the scar so if i then dont go into labour it would have to be another section!!!!

I am sure if you explain why you dont want a VBAC and make sure they understand they cant force you... good luck hun :hug:

tigget xx

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