Very early baby


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Hi everyone just thought i would add my birth story, some parts are a bit scary so if you are put off easy don't read.

Friday 20th April so i was planning to go out with my friends to trafford centre for a meal but all day was having painful bh which i thought was a good idea to ignore lol. Any way off i go to the train station and all of a sudden felt a gush went to the toliet and it was huge amount of blood, rung hospital told to go straight in. Got to the hospital and they were worried about the blood i was losing and put me on the monitor its then that the contractions started getting regular (still didn't believe i was in labour). after 2 hours they slowed down and i was re examed and was 3cm and waters had gone!!!
They put me on the drip, but was still losing blood so they decided to do a c section which i was not happy about and hubz still wasn't at hospital as i told him to sleep lool.
So the take me to theater and try and do the epidural and i could not sit still was scared and it hurt. Then baba heart dipped a bit so the said put her to sleep i was like noooo but they had to do it.He was born at 2.45 weight was 4lb 2oz. came round and baby was in special care hubby was next to me. I feel bake asleep until 2 in the afternoon was sooo drowsy but really wanted to see lil man. I nurse came to get me up off bed omg it hurt lo. eventually got to see him at 7.30 in the evening :(
I had to stay in for 3 days and was then let home it was horrible leaving him in hospital really broke my heart :'( but after 2 weeks of him being in their and him taking to bfeeding really well he was let home yipppe.
wow, sounds like quite an ordeal! Glad everythings ok now, and congratulations on ur lil man!
that must have been quite scary for you hun, but at least your LO arrived safely and is home now :) congrats again xx
congratulations, glad you are both home and well now. sounds like it must have been so scary :( well done x
What a story!
Bet you will be telling that to your little man some day :D

congrats glad you and lo are ok and now you just get to enjoy ur little man:sleepy:
Glad you got your wee man home so quickly xxx

Congratulationsa!! Glad you are home safe with your LO x
Congratulations.. Glad you are both home :) xx
Congratulations Hun , am glad you and your LO are both at home xxxx
Congratulations Hun, bet your gla he has arrived safetly an you can now enjoy him at home! X
Congratulations! Glad you & LO are okay xx
Omg how horrific u poor thing!!! Massive congrats tho x x
Congrats! You must have been really scared, know how you feel my LO also decided to make a surprise early arrival, it really leaves you in shock for a while. Wishing you both a speedy recovery xx

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