Very Vivid dream


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Last night I had a really vivid dream about my baby. I dreamt that it was a boy and that I had a phonecall saying there was a 90% chance he had Downs Syndrome. In my dream, we then had a scan and it revealed 100% certainty that he did have the condition.

In reality, I had my bloods done last Wednesday to test for it and I didn't think much of it but obviously it has been playing on my subconscious. I probably would have heard something by now if there were any problems wouldn't I?

Anyway, even if the dream did come true, I'd still love my baby just as much :) Just can't believe how much it has been playing on my mind today after having that dream. It has really got to me.

Yeah you would have heard by now, if they were worried. Ring the hospital number you've got. I did and they told me about a week before I got the letter. Aww dont worry xxxx I had a dream I gave birth to early and had to swallow him to get in back in :rofl: so dont go off your dream xxxxx
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Dont think too much of it, about a week before my sexing scan I dreamt every night that the baby had both girly and boy bits!!! i was petrified when I was having the scan, for some reason you think your dreams have more meaning than they probably actually do. since finding out im having a girl i havent had the same dream since!

i'm sure they would have been in touch if there was anything to tell though :) xx
I said 'I'm not 100% I've not got my notes with me, over a week ago' when they asked when it was cos they can be funny and not check if its only been a week when they have the result on the system so they'll check or they put me through to a midwife and she told me all results was neg and fine, they asked if I was worried I just said no I just want to know x
We had a very high risk for LO. If there is a problem they will tell you sooner rather than later! If you've heard nothing it's going to be ok!
ive had mad dreams, ive dreamt baby was a girl loads of times and its a boy, ive dreamt we moved house and had to live in a war zone!!! WTF x x

vivid dreams are what made me think i was pregnant as they were really real and scary i had nightmares x x

dont worry its probably your mind going over all your worries and bringing them to your mind while your asleep x x x
I had a dream last night where Severus Snape was my boyfriend. Not bloody likely!! LOL!!

Don't worry, sweetie. Dreams so often tend to be dramatisations of our fears, mostly unfounded.
Thanks girlies. Glad I'm not the only one having crazy dreams then. I forgot to call the hospital today beuase it has been my day of from work and I've been too busy doing housework so I didn't even think about it :(


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