We are home!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey everyone! :wave:

We came home on monday but I haven't posted on here because things have been so hectic and I'm still recovering! Amber is so beautiful, she's my little princess! I love being a Mummy, its fab. I will post my birth story soon, I'm still trying to get my head around what happened to us as things got a bit scary at one point but were are both doing fine now.

Huge thankyou to CoreysMummy for being a fab text buddy and updating everyone.

Big thanks to all you girls in tri3 who I have shared my amazing pregnancy journey with, I love you all and your all brilliant, thankyou for all the advice and putting up with me being grumpy in the days I was overdue! Thankyou to everyone for the lovely messages in my labour thread, I'm so touched by every single one and you set my crazy hormones off again!!

And I have to say a massive thankyou to my wonderful finacee James, he was absolutely amazing throughout the whole birth and kept me so calm, he reassured me when I was scared and was there from beginning to end. I couldn't have done it without him. And I want to thank my gorgeous girl for making me so happy, she truly is the best thing that has ever happened to us.

Thankyou to my Mum & Dad who were there at the hospital straight away and stayed until Amber was born even though they both work full time and took time off to be there. My Mum was absolutely fab whilst I was in labour, the doctors let her come to see me and she was there holding my hand and helping me deal with the pain, she was brilliant. I didn't see my Dad whilst I was labouring as he didn't want to come through because he didn't want to see me in pain but I knew he was there if I needed him.

And lastly thankyou to Gina for being a huge support to me over the last few days, and thankyou for listening to me moan and for all the advice and bringing me some decent food when I was in hospital! Your the best :hug:

Right, I'll stop with the thankyous now, anyone would think I'd won an oscar!!

I'm gonna miss you girls but I'll still be coming back to check on you all. Can I stay and pretend I'm still pregnant?! :lol:
Hugs to you all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Heres a pic of Amber

I can't get it any bigger!
Arrrrrrrrrrr, shes sooooooooo cute!!! :hug: You and James did good!!! :cheer:

Well done again. Pop on when you can, but make sure you rest lots, and enjoy Amber!!

It was my pleasure letting everyone know, but I didnt want to take the excitement of sharing away from you (and James).

Enjoy it hunny xxxxxx
Oh shes soooooo adorable!!! HUGE congrats hunny :hug: :hug: cant wait for my turn to come now ;) good luck with the future sweety hope to see you here again soon xXx
Awww she's gorgeous and I love her name, congratulations. :hug:
Awww pleased that you sound so happy and proud :hug: Just make sure to rest yourself when you can!! :lol:
Awww, Amber is beautiful! Glad you are enjoying being a mummy and that you are both home now. x
Sorry i missed your labour thread :oops: She's beautiful well done Laura, enjoy little Amber.xx
Ah congratulations, I got all emotional reading your thank you messages. :cheer:
congratulations chick.... Amber is beautiful.

You enjoy being a mummy

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Awwww congratulations!! Amber is beautiful! xxx
Congrats LauranJamesnAmber :D :D

She is gorgeous. Well done you!!
She is beautiful :hug: Well done to you and James :cheer:

Glad you're enjoying motherhood :D
congratulations hunny she is sooooo gorgeous :hug:

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