We braved it...


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
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Thought id post about our lil trip to baby group.
Its called baby talk at our local surestaRT centre and its just a play time really for the babies and mums chat and play.
All the babies were a little older then keira at 3months above.
All was going well until Keira decided to have a screaming fit a full blown one.
I thought we were gonna be asked to leave. I felt embarrased n like a bad mum.
I dunno if to go back next week? one lady was soo nice n tried to help.
Keiras soo unsettled at moment she doesnt nap much in the day n this screaming thing is new and its such an angry sound.
Any advice appreciated xxx
Keep going and don't be disheartened. All the mums there will know what it's like!! E was v grumpy at baby group today but I just figured it was my turn to have the whiny one this week!! Next week it will be someone else's bubba. xxx
thanks... i wanna give it a go again nxt week as we need to meet others for our own sanity. think i was a bit jealous that one ladies 4 week old slept through. Just hope i havent got the troublesome child lol xxx
Finn usually only screams if he has trapped wind (or hungry!) could she have wind/colic? He has been very unsettled today, I try and put him in his crib after every feed usually, and he usually sleeps after most feeds but today he has just cried as he has such bad trapped wind. Could it be that? x
Yay! Dw about LO they are very used to screaming babies. They are good at our centre and the staff always try to help.

Maybe it was just an off day for baba, I would go back next week definately x x x
There's always someone whose baby sleeps through don't feel bad, the next baby they have will be normal :rofl:

I'm going for the first time tomorrow too, Lewis is 5 months, I said I'd go earlier but I haven't. I'm just telling myself I can walk out/not go again if I want but at least I can say I tried.
thanks ladies feel a bit better now...
She has alot fo trapped wind as she keeps trumping and is having trouble doing poo i think hece the outbursts. So frustrating and not sure what i can do, ive tried infacol, ive tried cool boiled water, im not for trying orange juice as shes too young. She just settled now. Mkes me feel like im failing, sorry for the outburtst xxx
Oh hun ur not failing. We are having the same problem with abi, we tried the orange in water twice but it must have been too acidic as she just threw it up. Have u tried gripe water? What milk is she having? X
Gripe water is the only thing that works for Finn. Infacol didn't work and he spat dentinox out! x
ive bought the gripe mixture from boots and seeing if tha works.. when i left her at my mums this evening she was still having her screaming fits xxx

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