

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Alex is TLW but I am worried I am not progressing him enough. He has 3 meals a day and 3 7oz bottles but I don't know if I give him enough.
He is still on the small jars followed by a heinz tin for dessert or fruit pot or he has a fromage frais how much do ur little ones eat at their age?
My boys share a a bigger 7 month jar/ or home made equivalent and then have a yogurt or fruit pot. I then offer them bread sticks and cheese spread and fruit etc as finger food. For brekkie I just give them finger food and then some cereal. They are both on 3 8oz bottles a day. I know when they are full as the big man purses lips closed and the wee man gets very bored and tries to grab anything within his reach :lol:
I think I need to introduce more finger foods alex has breadsticks and organix rice cakes but that s about it really.
Charley has a whole 7 month jar but he's a pig lol! For finger foods I give him bread and butter sandwiches or sometimes make him paste sandwiches, strawberries, cucumber, biscotti's, banana sticks, orange. I think they can have anything except nuts and honey but just cut everything into fist sizes sticks x x
Thank you will give it a go tomorrow as off to the shops then and fingers crossed will get all stocked up.
amelia has 3 good meals a day with pudding after her lunch and tea she will eat pasta veg little bit of meat anything finger foods but she has dropped her milk down considerable
zak doesnt eat much really but hes happy and gaining weight so thats all im bothered about. he has weetabix or ready brek with cows milk in the morning and a 6oz bottle, then may have a mid morn snack sometimes fruit, sometimes a rice cake or dried apricots are a fav. lunch is usually something and toast whether it be cheese, scrambled egg, or left over tea from the night b4 and a yoghurt or fruit pot and maybe 4-5 oz milk. afternoon he has some fruit. tea he has whatever we r having plus a yoghurt or fruit pot, then at night maybe 6-9 oz milk depending on how hes feeling. Just go with the flow, he will tell u if he wants more or less. xxx
Just read that back and it sounds like he has loads but only teeny tiny portions of things. xxx
Thanks for that, I give him rice cakes and he has biscotti too I just want to try and move away from jars and give him a bit more like we have
Kierons 6 months and is having porridge/rusk with 8oz bottle at breakfast,half a 7 month jar and a fruit pot at lunch,8oz bottle at 2pm,half a jar and fruit pot/yoghurt at 5-6pm and 8oz bottle at bed.
We've just started giving him 'finger foods' bread and butter,toast,grated cheese etc which he is managing v well and has at mealtimes-either b4 or after his usual food depending how hungry he is xx
Oscar is 7 months old and TW. He's still on stage 1 pouches/jars coz he hates the stage 2 with lumps, not impressed at all lol. He has a whole pouch of veg and 1/2 fruit for lunch and tea and a whole pouch/jar for breakfast. I've been offering him biscotti etc and he's getting alot better. He's happy with stage 1s but I do worry that he needs more nutrients? I really don't have a clue what I'm doing really lol. I still BF on demand too, some days he feeds off me loads, other days not so much. Plus he now LOVES water so he doesn't use me for driinks now, just food!
Devon is now 7 mths and has BF milk at 6am when he wakes
He then has ready brek with banana at 9am
Then he has homemade lunch (TW) stage 2 style thicker mush from my freezer icecube selections plus BF milk
Then he will have 2pm ish milk BF (sometimes he is just dropping this now)
Then dinner 430/5pm he has homemade lunch (TW) stage 2 style thicker mush from my freezer icecube selections plus BF milk at 6pm
Then bedtime milk at 645pm for a 7/715pm bedtime

He will eat bread/grated cheese fingers etc and fruit, but now we have a highchair and tray I need to do some veg fingers etc broaden his range more...
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Kellylou he is having plenty to eat and drink - what a great amount, my little lad has breakfast porridge or a bottle.

Then jars twice a day with 2/3 baby yoghurts and then a bottle in the evening.

Your little man sounds like he is doing great, have you tried finger food like breadsticks or toast?

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