Weaning late?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Ivys only 4months at the moment, she doesn't really eat much shes not interested in much milk and really doesn't show any slight aim at our food. I know they say 6months is a good start for weaning but what if she is still not showing interest at 6months do I just still hold off feeding her till she shows some kind of enthusiasm past 6months?

Also could it be that me and OH don't eat much ourselves and shes not quite catching on to the idea? We probably eat one meal a day and more snack eat a bit of toast of sandwich while doing other stuff, neither of us really "enjoy" food but when Ivy starts eating then we will make a effort of sitting down at the table and eating together. When she gets a bit older should we start making a point of sitting her at the table with us to watch what we do so she can learn? Sorry I sound a bit thick here, I am a bit clueless!!!
I got a BLW book whch is really good and basically says when babies ready theyll let you know, start taking an interest in food trying to nick a bit off you etc so im going to worry about Flo munching then :D
I think so long as she sees using cutlery shell pick up how to use a spoon etc, so you might need to buy some more seeing as ur landlord stole all urs eh !
I wouldnt worry if she isnt interested in food at the six month mark :) Looking back i think Calleigh will have happily lived off milk for alot longer.
She only ate small amounts anyway and since she has been poorly she has hardly eaten any solids. Im not concerned as milk is their main source of food for the first 12 months at least so i am still following her lead.
Ella showed no interest still at 4 months, but at 5 we started weaning as she was pinching food off our plates!

If she isn't interested at 6 months, I would give it a couple of wks and try again, keep going like that until she is.
Whenever i eat I place hayden on my lap, I feel its getting him used to "Mealtime" and different smells I have noticed more recently he looks at what im eating, sometimes Im even worried he will swipe something off my plate...

Do you not have a main meal at timetea? Maybe get her more involved at that time but I agree with others in that babies will involve themselves when they feel ready. And no i doubt its cause ur not eating hon.

Just out of interst why doesn't food interest you? Maybe I need a bit more of that thinking then i'll lose some weight lmao!!
Steelgoddess said:
Just out of interst why doesn't food interest you? Maybe I need a bit more of that thinking then i'll lose some weight lmao!!

:rotfl: Food is a chore to me lol! I just don't enjoy it haha! Its just one of those things I have to do lol its the same with sleeping. Dont want to do it because it takes up too much time but I get tired/hungry so have to heheeee I'm so lazy!
nickilubs said:
Steelgoddess said:
Just out of interst why doesn't food interest you? Maybe I need a bit more of that thinking then i'll lose some weight lmao!!

:rotfl: Food is a chore to me lol! I just don't enjoy it haha! Its just one of those things I have to do lol its the same with sleeping. Dont want to do it because it takes up too much time but I get tired/hungry so have to heheeee I'm so lazy!
I kinda know what you mean i didnt eat breakfast or lunch when i first had Hay but now im like who ate all pies raaay!

I look like this now!



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