Weigh in today for Harry


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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So can't decide if I'm upset or not!

Harry is 12 weeks on thurs so has him weighed this morning -he's 14lb 10oz but he's dropped another centile to the 75th

Had a food chat to the HV who basically said not to worry too much, they do find with babies that are big at birth do drop centiles as they level out (he was 10lb 10oz)

He's definitely grown in length again (they didn't measure him but I did when I got home he's 65cm now) and his height has stayed on the same 98th centile

So I'm kinda assuming that he's shot up in height again and not in weight.

Not sure what they class as an average weight gain a week, but in 4 weeks he's gained 1lb 2oz

Guess I'm worrying slightly that he's my getting enough from me, but then the sensible part of me says not to worry.
I'm not sure what a 'normal' gain is. Just got Ty's red book out for a gander he was
At birth 8lbs
6 weeks 11lb 2
9 weeks 13lb 3
13 weeks 15lb 9
16 weeks 16lb 9

Does that help?

He's a very fat boy tho!

i wouldn't worry. his height gain may mean less weight gain.

normal gain means that they follow the same centile. doesn't matter which one. if your hv isnt bothered you don't need to be x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
i wouldnt worry too much hun as i have nieces and nephews that were quite big born one at 11lb 1oz and they didnt gain loads of weight as apaarently bigger babies dont they eventually even out if that makes sense

its smaller babies that have bigger weight gains

Alfie 7lb 6.5 born
3weeks 8lb 10
5 weeks 10lb 7.5
7 weeks 12lb
today 13lb

todays seems to be slowing down compared to all the other weight gains but he is still on the same line at moment dunno how long he was born but i know at his 8 week check (he was 7+4 weeks) he was 59cm so hope that helps you kinda compare to babies similar ages :) xx
Don't worry too much hun. Jack has only put on 3lb since January!! He's only just under 20lb! He's healthy and happy and reaching all of his milestones so we're not worried. We just think he has a very fast metabolism because he's hungry every 2.5-3hrs and eats like a horse! :) x
She did also say that when they start thrashing their arms and legs about (which he loves doing at the mo!) they can burn more energy off.

I guess it's a bit of the dilemma of BF that you don't know how much they're getting xx

Thanks ladies
I think they alternate between chubbing out and growing like beanstalks. If the HV isn't worried then try not to stress hun you are doing fab :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
lol im still waiting for alyssa to do the beanstalk bit, shes all in proportion tho even weighing 18lb. shes always been big and followed the 98th centile but id say if harry is active and happy and not losing weight then dont worry hun, its obviously right for him :)
I think they alternate between chubbing out and growing like beanstalks. If the HV isn't worried then try not to stress hun you are doing fab :hug: xxxxxxxxxx

Jack never chubbed out! All the other babies we know who are his age had great big lovely rolls of fat and my boy had none! lol x
I wouldnt worry hun :hugs: as long as hes happy and gaining weight hes fine,

My Harry has never been a big weight gainer, he was last weighed at 14 weeks and was 11lb2. he is only following the 2nd centile but has been since birth.
My HV told me from 12 weeks on they should slow down a bit and only gain 1 lb a month

Kayla is on the 91st for Height so i asked if she should stay on the 91st for weight and she said no that she would be fine to drop to 75 , she hasn't yet but is gaining a lot less so prob will be lower next time

Sounds perfectly healthy to me hun x
Hannah also slowed right down...she dropped from 75th to 50th and then followed 50th and so they were not concerned xx
Jake only seems to put on one pound a month, I had him weighed 3 weeks ago and he was only 17lbs 2oz and he is 9 months on Sunday and he is doing fine and is healthy x
Even when they are FF you stress! After the HV accused me of over feeding E I have been keeping a food diary to check how much she has. Following HV advice of 2.5ozs per pound of weight, E should be on about 38ozs a day, but my diary shows she only ever has between 28-32 a day. So effectively is a whole feed down on what they suggest she should be having, yet apparently I'm over feeding her?! You can't win!!! I'm sure your boobies are doing the perfect job for Harry. He always looks a contented little soul in his photos!
I'm sure he's perfectly fine hun. He was overdue by sometime and they always grow really well in mummies tummies so maybe he would have been on a different centile if he was born on his due date. And then followed that IYSWIM?

He looks like he's growing very well to me :)
The way to tell if ur producing enough milk is his suck to swallow ratio. Henry was 5/6 sucks to a swallow. I'm taking medication which has reduced this to 2/3 to a swallow. He has only gone from 9lb 5oz at birth to 12lb 6oz at 17 weeks. He is gonna be weighed again on Friday. He was born on 92nd percentile and has dropped to between the 2nd & 9th.

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So the less sucks/ swallow the better then?

(if this wasn't in the b&t section there'd be some funny comments......)
Yes. He should swallow every or every other suck x

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Yes. He should swallow every or every other suck x

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I didn't know this but guess it makes sense. F swallows generally every 3 sucks, does that mean my milks on the low side? Xx
Just means u have a slower let down. They don't tend to worry until baby isn't gaining weight like henry. They think I'm only producing enough to sustain him & not to help him put weight on. He is a very active baby though, genus already rolling back to tummy and tummy to back, grabbing his feet & pullin his knees up & goin up on his arms like he is trying to crawl. He is 18 weeks old.

I've noticed a difference with the tablets though. I've started leaking which I didn't before & Henry's suck to swallow ratio has improved x

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