What has everyone bought so far?


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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What have you all bought for your unborn baby so far? I've got these just now

2 snuggle suits
3 wee jumpers
2 pairs of trousers
2 hats
2 long sleeved vests
15 short sleeved vests
2 baby grows
4 sets of mitts
3 pairs of socks
1 t-shirt
2 bibs

Newborn dummies
2 wee teddies

All newborn sizes lol

Edited - now have my pram my friend bought me and lots of 0-3 clothes that my other friend gave me :)
and my other friend is giving me a moses basket, I have good friends hehe xx
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ive got
travel system
moses basket
disposable nappies x 2 packs
washable nappies x 10
about 10 newborn babygrows
lots of newborn vests
hats and mitts and a few outfits in newborn
a box of 0-3 clothes n 3 pairs of shoes
a bag of 3-6 month clothes
a snowsuit
a coat in 0-3
breast pump and bottles
a set of small care bear teddies
a change mat
changing bag x 2

i think thats it lol
Ok so far we have:

Travel system
Breast pads - great to stop the rubbing on the hurty nippies
2 x Bottle insulator bags
about 14 0 - 3 babygro's
4 x sleep suits in 0-3 and 3-6
a few outfits that were in the sale in asda]
Fairy storie books as we have decided we will be reading to baby right from the off hopefully, more OH idea.

We have been given:

A nappy bin and cartridges that will last a month at least

I am going to see a glider chair and some re usable nappies on Tuesday, the glider chair is £60 bit bargainous I thought.

But not much else sadly, I realy need to get off my butt don't I lol :)
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Err about 8 babygro, 3 cardigans, one blanket, pack of nappies ...............

Think I need to start shopping soon!
ok iv got,

Car Seat
Moses Basket

various nappies different makes and sizes
few toiletries

15 ish baby grows
8 ish sleepsuits
1 jacket
scatch mitts x 3
snow suit
All newborn

Next on my list is to get breast pump and bottles

trying to get a few things each month! LOVE baby shopping!! Kiddicare have some really good deals on xx
in my mums loft
3 mosses baskets
huge bag (bigger than bin bag) x 3 1, girls, 1, boys and 1 baby grows etc. nutral
graco travel system, matching bag, cosey toes, parasol.
high chair

ive got so far
iCandy apple with carry cot
3 knitted blankets
1 bin bag of neurtal clothes
2 bing bags on boys clothes
1 big carrier bag of girls clothes
2 cute cardigans
breast pump
celuar blanket
teddy OH brought for baby.
tatty teddy changing bag and cosey toes. matching.
2 lots of size 1 huggies nappies got free. dunno weather to buy more size one or buy size 2!?!?!

think thats it.
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Far too much! LOL. We have everything we need really except gender specific clothes (as we are team yellow). So much stuff that the the inlaws have complained that they have nothing to buy us. I just like to be organised. :blush: xx
hahaha im so not organised lol

1xsteriliser set
1x newborn outfit (sleepsuit, vest, bib + mits)

and that is all i have!!

oh well when i get my scan next week and confirm the sex i will defo be at the next xmas sale at 5am in the morning and the bigger things can come after xmas :) xx
Eeeep I have nothing at all! Just free sample things they give you and think mil has knitted booties :)
I've either got it or it's ordered!!! I do need my footmuff for pram and a blue blanket, oh and a changing mat for downstairs.
I've started to buy 3-6 month clothes now too

I started buying bits as soon as I got my bfp to ease the financial hit!!! x
All these threads freaked me out that I had nothing so last night got a bundle of baby boy clothes 0-3 for £25 on gumtree. So much stuff in there! Everything from sleep suits to jeans and jumper! Lil snuggled suit things! Seriously like 30 pieces or more that she would have paid hundreds for! Happy now :) x
I have not bought anything!!! I think I'm in denial about how much there is to get, and also we live in a small flat so I need to do some clearing out. I'm going to write a list over Christmas when I have some head space and then maybe hit the sales :) Flip. We're having a baby!!!!!!!
I have bought some clothes(both for newborn and 2-6 months), a pillow for nursing. We will be given a car seat and a moses basket!

I have found the pram I want but will wait untill january to buy it! Hopefully it will be on sales than!

And I also got a lot of free samples og nappies and other babycare stuff:)
I have 2 little newborn vests...in cream...waiting for next scan to (hopefully) find out the sex and then I'm going shopping! :D
How many weeks were u all when u started buying stuff. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and scared to start xxx

ihave lots of unisex clothing just everytime i go out i grab a little something :)
the travel system with all the extras
the nappy bin
but so far thats it, waiting to find out the sex to go mad :) and not too long to wait xx
I had my scan today so got my first thing. Seeing as the baby waved at us I bought a pair of scratch mittens lol I got s bit overwhelmed in the baby section...think I'll just pick up bits and pieces as and when I see a good deal or something
We waited until 12 weeks to start buying :)

We were waiting for xmas to be out of the way to see what we would get, after xmas we have bought a steriliser set from mothercare tommee tippee range for £60 :) bargainous and I have just bought 2 packs of wipes lol :)
We've got a few baby grows that family bought us for Christmas and my best friend bought us a Moses basket today. I will get a few bits after my scan tomorrow if all is ok and will get gender specific once we know what we're having. Want to try and spread the cost over as many months as possible and family have said they will buy things for us aswell

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