When did everybody start showing? HELP!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hi girlies. Kinda new to trimester 2 :)

Well I was just wondering when did everyone start showng? I'm 15w+2d and I'm not joking,I have a flat stomach. It's like seriously pre pregnancy style. This is also my second baby so I'm sure I should be showing by now. I was showing at 13 weeks with my little lad. If had a scan so I know that the pregnancy is actually viable,but I'm confused as to why I'm not showing.
I see my midwife Thursday,so I'm going to ask her,I am apprently getting measure,but there's nothing to measure!! What do u all think she will do? I also havnt felt the baby move yet.

Hope you are all well :)
i started showing virtually straight away as i fatten out from the day the egg gets fertalised lol my body likes to pad out everywhere. but my bumps only really just coming out properly but then its not as big as some of the others and im on baby number 2 aswell, iv already felt baby move so i cant really help u. but im sure your babys growing fine its prob all tucked away :) x
Yeahh hopefully. I'm just worried that it's growing small because in tiny,a size 6/8 and the baby is getting big now and I am just failing to show! Annoying!! Lol. My boobs are the only thing that have grown,they are huge so maybe the weight gain has just gone straightto my boobs and the baby will now start to show!!

Mines very small too an i havent yet felt any movement.
maybe try for a reassurance scan if you explain to your midwife your very worried etc
With my DD I wore my 8-10 clothes until I was about 6 and half months! This time none of my clothes fit already!!!!!
I still don't really have a bump. I only have one when i eat and then i just look bloated. And i'm nearly 27 weeks i wouldn't worry :) x
Lucky you!! All my size 8 jeans are neatly packed away and have been since the beginning of January! I'm 16 weeks and 2 days and pretty rounded, but my friend was still tiny tiny until she got to 20 weeks. Everyones just different =] I think my baby's a bit of a diva and insisted on a more cushiony water bed!!
am 13 weeks and still not showing very well i think eveyone is different right enough

am dying to show as well so people say oooo shes pregnant lol
i only started showing properly like 20 weeksish and i'm slim but kinda curvy so you shouldn't have anything to worry about :D:D (you're well lucky having a flat stomach!!) xx
i only started showing properly like 20 weeksish and i'm slim but kinda curvy so you shouldn't have anything to worry about :D:D (you're well lucky having a flat stomach!!) xx

I love your signature
I love your signature

aw thankyou hun!!! i spent some time doing it today.. too much time on my hands if you ask me.. lol! i use a photo program called GIMP as it's like a free version of photoshop.. so if you're interested in that side of things you should download it :) also used photobucket.com to touch it up a bit.. xxx
Im not really looking pregnant, just fat still! Im carrying really spread accross my abdomen and on top of that I was chubby before I got pregnant so I dunno, I just look like Ive got a beer belly! no defined bump. That said my trousers dont fit me and havent for months so my abdomen must be generally getting bigger, and Ive not gained any weight yet so there must be a bump under there somewhere!!!
I really wouldn't worry at this stage lots of ladies don't show until about 20 weeks which is when uterus moves above or too the belly button and then you tend to pop. Make the most of it i was buying new clothes at 7 weeks and have the embarrassment of explaining that i'm 20 weeks not ready to pop as they all think!
i found that i really started to look pregant around 16/17 weeks. it just appeared all of a sudden. theres no stopping it now x
Hmm mine appeared between 14 and 15 weeks - second bambino though so I guess it was earlier than last time. Every woman is different I guess :)
No word of a lie I started showing at 8 weeks maybe less, I look huge now and not even 12 weeks yet!!!! :( so jealous of all the flat tummys, this is my second baby, really don't know why I'm so big as there is def only 1 in there !!! Wish I could upload pics and show u all but I haven't a clue how to do it!!! Lol xx

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