When did you start to show? I'm worrying :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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I'm starting to get paranoid :( My dh says I've definitely 'changed shape' but I don't have any obvious bumpage :( I'm starting to worry a little. I'm a size 16-18 and have put 1 lb on so far...should I be worried or is this normal for larger ladies? xx
How many weeks are you hun x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
Before pregnancy i was a size 16-18 and i bloated quite early and I'd changed shape by the time I was around the same stage you are, and could feel a bit of a bump when lying down but I didn't really get a full on 'dont just look extra pudgy' bump until about 20 weeks (I think!) when I finally looked pregnant. Now there's no hiding it or mistaking it :)
Don't worry, it'll come! x
Im almost 16w. Thanks Sarah, hopefully it'll pop out soon (I'll prob regret wishing for a bump later on lol) x
I was a size 14 5'10tall and size E - F bazoomers depending on bra type .. And back size..
I started showing pretty early as tummy was fairly flat ..
However fobs sister a size 18 didnt show until she was 24 odd weeks
I wouldnt worry every1 is diff :)
Some days mine looks smaller or lower or higher :) im 21 weeks and the last week or so its been high :) ..

Dony worry missy :) x
I am 5'3", size 10 and 34E.
This is my 5th baby and I started showing around 19/20 weeks x
You should pop soon after 20 weeks hun i did with my first x

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
5ft 1in, size 10 before, had a bump from quite early but would say I def started showing around 18 weeks.

Even now with clothes it's not immediately "obvious" I am preggers but without clothes there is no disguising it!

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Thanks everybody I'm feeling a but better about it now after reading this xx
I only really started showing a couple of weeks ago and I'm now 21 weeks and still have a tiny bump! Just think everyone is different as I had my 20 week scan a week ago and baby was measuring fine :) xxx
Hi hun, I'm on the smaller side but didn't really start showing til just recently (and i'm 18 weeks), and even now in clothes many people looked surprised that i'm pregnant! I have a definite bump now though :)
Im almost 16w. Thanks Sarah, hopefully it'll pop out soon (I'll prob regret wishing for a bump later on lol) x

I'm sure it'll pop out soon and then it just doesn't stop! Suddenly picking a top in the morning becomes harder and harder lol. The 'tops I can no longer get away with' section of my wardrobe is growing by the week it seems lol
I was just thinking earlier on tonight, I look no different now to what I did after a big bowl of pasta 6 months ago! I'm 25 weeks And so far only put on 3lbs. I'm a size 14 and 5ft6 with 38DD boobies. It's easy to look normal in some clothes but the minute I put on a tight fitting dress I look like ive swallowed a ball. Everyone is different! Don't worry! Xxxx
I was a size 12 and now I just look a bit extra podgy but still not noticeable, and I'm carrying two! I think in the next few weeks we'll both show and then it'll just keep getting bigger. I do just feel fat right now though :/
I'm 22 weeks in a few days n only really in the last 2 weeks has it started to look like I'm either pregnant or put on abit of weight lol. I am size 10. My friend is about the same size as u and she didn't show until really really late.
I am a big girl and I actually had quite a small bump. I could see a Bump from like 18-20 weeks but for others to notice it still depends what I wear. If I wear sth buggy you can't say I am pregnant :roll:
I suppose for me will be closer to the 35 weeks or so lol....
Saying that my bump goes in my way all time now so it's only hidden under the fat that other people don't notice it too much lol...
And my baby is even on the bigger side of normal....

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