when do you stop sterilising baby bowls and spoons?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Just wondering when you stop sterilising baby bowls and spoons?

My little boy is 24wks old and had been weaning for several weeks now. I was just wondering how much longer I need to keep sterilising his bowls and spoons?

When do I stop sterilising his baby bottles too?

Michelle x
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Spoons and bowls you don't have to sterilise, but if you do sterilise them you can stop at 6 months. Bottles should be sterilised whilst still using formula up to a year old xxx
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Spoons and bowls you don't have to sterilise, but if you do sterilise them you can stop at 6 months. Bottles should be sterilised whilst still using formula up to a year old xxx

Thank you so much this is very helpful

Michelle x
I only ever sterilsed his bottles hun, until he went onto cows. Oh an dummies but stopped them at 6ms as he was rolling about everywhere and washed in sink.
But yeah bowls & spoons was just washed with our dishes xx
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I stopped sterilising everything at 6 months, I figured he was putting toys etc in his mouth and crawling around a floor so it was pointless sterilising.
He officially turns 6 months tomorrow so going to stop sterilising them then. As you say he puts everything straight into his mouth now anyway. He loves sucking on his feet at the moment, and God knows what germs his socks and shoes pick up during the day.

Michelle x
I know it's scary how quickly the past 6 months have gone. Only got 8 weeks left of maternity leave!!

Michelle x
I never sterilised his bowls and spoons but then i started his weening from 6 months. i still sterilise his bottles but I'm wondering if i should even still so this as everything he puts in his mouth now anyway.... umm x

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