When should I try??


New Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Hi everyone, I am new to the site and wondered if could share my situation with you all and hopefully you could offer some advice?

I am turning 28 this month. I had leep treatment following abnormal cervical cells about 4 years ago (CIN2-3) , the abnormal cells then came back (CIN 2) and I had further leep treatment early this year. Firstly I feel very upset and angry because I was never fully informed of the affect this surgery could have on pregnancies/child birth- I found out last week whilst looking on forums! I had no idea I would be a 'high risk' pregnancy! Me looking into it was prompted by the doctor saying I shouldn't try to get pregnant until I get my next clear result. So now I am in a situation where I have a big decision to make. I am in a loving relationship and we are planning on getting a house together and getting married but all these things take time and money so my dilemma is do I wait and do those things first and then try to get pregnant or do I try as soon as I (hopefully) get my next clear result? I have only been with my partner for a year and a half but I do believe he is the one. Any advice would be massively appreciated as I am really struggling to make the right decision. I have only recently started to feel a bit broody, Ideally I would wait a year or two for finance/work/stability but entering my 28th year after my situation maybe I should just bite the bullet?? Please help ladies!!! Thank you x
i would say its really a decision only you can make sweety ( no help at all i know lol )

if you get your clear result then you have the green light to try any time, i got my finances sorted etc before i tried personally just so i knew i would be secure

best of luck hun
Thanks Lynette. I appreciate your response. You are right it is a decision only I can make, it's just such a big one that it's a bit scary! Even if I get the green light at my next test, I only have 6 months then til the next one after that which could then be bad again so it's weighing up going for it in that window of opportunity or keeping fingers crossed that if I delay it all to be more secure that I am in good health then and able to conceive! It's hard being a woman sometimes!!lol x
lol it is hard and usually babys end up coming when you least expect them no matter how hard you try, I would say get some money behind you sweety but its entirley up to you of course, you have to ''feel'' ready if you get me xx
Hey Mel,

I had the same treatment at the beginning of oct and was suspected cin3 but turned out to be 1-2. It was a devastating time and my main piece of advice would be this:


My understanding is that after two procedures you may be at risk of premature birth by two weeks only. Considering a Babba can survive after 24(?) weeks that really is not a huge amount. Also, I believe there is a risk of a shortened cervix, but this can be sorted by a small procedure to lengthen it again if they feel the need.

I was given the advice not to fall preggers within 6 months, but the consultant also said that life happens and if I was to fall pregnant they would monitor my cervix for cell regrowth each month.

This was oct5th so I'm now out of the 6 month zone but we started trying in November after my first period after the Lletz treatment.

Please don't worry about what others have to say on scary forums. Mostly people post on subjects like that because they've had a bad experience and they're scared and they want to warn others. But they end up scaring them. I honestly thought it was the end of the world when I searched the lletz procedure!!!

Regarding your decision only you can make that one. We decided not to wait as I had a feeling I would be out of the 6months by the time things started happening.

Sorry for the long post, but I feel strongly about this!!! There are plenty of women who have healthy babies soon after this.


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