Who believes in....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Ha....I know its a bit cheesy but I do! I believe in the magic of it all and I believe making Chrsitmas a magical time for children and adults is a must lol!

I sometimes close my eyes and go back to when I was a child, when everything about Christmas was real, magical and enchanting!

I can still see the christmas trees and sparling lights in my parents house, I can still remember sitting around the tree listening to carols, I can still feel the excitement of it all whenever I think about it....ahhhhh I love having these memories to call upon whenever I feel the need!

I have NEVER ever told Kate I dont believe in santa and I think thats why at nearly 18 she still loves everything about it all and all the build up and magic that surrounds Christmas in our house!

How do you keep the spirit of Christmas alive in your house? xxx
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..................hehe yes i agree very cheesy but christmas is my fav time not because of presents but because family's get together the songs the food the movies ahhh i sound really old fashioned for a 24yr old but now i have a child to share in all the fun etc its gonna be so special each time
Totally agree Amanda....we really coudlnt give a stuff about presents as like you thats not what its all about....but everything else makes it just the most perfect time of the year and a time I look forward to literally from one Jan to the next!!! xxx
Christmas is my fav time of the year too! I love it! It's so magical and just thinking of it now makes me smile!
ahaaaa me to LMummy....I just get so excited by it all Im terrible! lol xxx
lol just been listening to christmas songs the other just looked at me haha
Haaaaaa I play them to Matilda and david does the same!!! lol haa haa xxx
Ha I have when it comes to anything Christmas related! lol I dont care tho I love it lol xxx
Totally :good: when pea is of age ie: 4ish we are taking him/her to Lapland to experience the magic :love: x
Not sure i believe in the fat man in the red suit with a white beard, but i believe in the sentiment that if you have worked hard at being as good a little girl or boy as possible that you appreciate the occasion much more and won't have a rubbish bag of coal to mark the occasion with ;)
I want to believe! Christmas is magic isn`t it? I like to carry on the family tradition of leaving milk and cookies for Santa only to find it`s been nibbled at Christmas morning. For children it`s all so real. Nearly October and I already can`t wait.
Course!! He exists and dont care what anyone says. Like everyone said its part of the magic and its my best time in the whole world and cant wait for this year :love: x
i cant wait to have a LO to share all the excitment with.....its my fav time of year too....thats whay we are having a christmas wedding.....albeit in november....but the trees will be up and everything is christmassy colours :D xx
we're just down to couple of days before it's Christmas...favorite time of the year for most of us...
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