who wants to join me???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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ive decided to have positive thoughts for getting a BFP in july
ive just started af and looks like next one would be due july 15th if regular but ive decided im not having it im going to have my BFP instead
:D anyone want to join me in being positive for a july BFP???
il make a list of the dates when af is due anyone wanting to be added to the list just YELL :D

cat&noah -----13th July
bec ------------16th July
Alicebabe -----19th July
bexxie --------21st July
Kina ----------22nd July
wobbles -------22nd July
Kukush --------25th July
pappadog -----31st July
Dreamer ---------?
charli -------------? BFP
Hypnorm ---------?
fingers crossed ----?

seems to be a few who dont know when due dont worry just yell and will add you anyway :D xxxxx
p.s. got to do something to keep going lol xxx
good luck to you, lots of hugs and baby dust xxx
Me me me! I'll join you Rach :D

Not sure when AF is due yet - at a guess, it could be around 6 July - my chart's in my ticker, I'm just waiting to ovulate :wall:

Baby dust to us all! We WILL get those BFPs!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
thanks littlelady
laura thanks for not leaving me on my own lol ive put you down for the 6th good luck hun xxxxxxxx
I wish i knew when to expect my next one :think:

But ill join u all :wink:
im due af 7 july, but i dont know if you have read my other posts not to sure if im aloud to concieve ( abnormal smear :roll: ) but me and oh have been having lots of cuddles, so im keeping my fingers crossed whatever the outcome, lots of baby dust to you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx please add me to list :pray: :pray:
all added good luck and baby dust to you all xxxxxxx
Dreamer, didn't you get AF a little while back? Or have I confused you with someone else :oops: Are your periods not regular then?

Hi Amy, nice to meet you - fingers crossed for the 7th! :pray:

Rach, are you temping this month?
laura ive never temped before so any advice you could give me would be fab im heading into town 2moro to buy a thermometer any advice which one is the best to buy and stupid proof (sorry am really thick) also should i use ov sticks too?? xxxxxxx
Well I got mine from Boots - it was about £13 a couple of years ago ..... I just looked and they still sell them - clicky

Regarding OPKs, personally I would (and do) use them ...... as I've said before, temps are great for checking that you HAVE ovulated (ie, in hindsight) and checking other things after ovulation (such as looking for implantation dips or triphasic patterns) but if you want some prior warning that you're about to ovulate then yes, I would say that OPKs are pretty handy, as you can't accurately predict when you are going to ovulate by checking your temperatures.

I got mine off Ebay - I buy them off a seller called twinkle4321 and they are very good, haven't had any evaporation problems with them or anything like that. I get my PG tests from her too.

Pop your chart on Fertility Friend, stick a link to it in your sig so we can all have a nose and bingo, you'll be well on your way! :D
think il def give it all a go laura thanks sorry beforehand for all the questions im probably going to ask xxxxxxxxx
Ask loads Rach, I'll answer what I can! I'm off on me hols for a week in Majorca on Tuesday, but I'm hoping to nip in here via internet cafe at some point - well I have to do something to pass the time whilst Phill's knocking back the beers in the local footie bar :lol:
dont know whenmine is hope i dont have one really should be soon ish if coming im 21 on july 24th so my best present would be bfp xxx
Hi again Charlie! Glad you joined us ..... fingers crossed you get the best 21st birthday present a girl could want! :D
I want to join :(

I got my thermometer off eBay but must admit if I will be going back to charting I have my eye on the one Laura has.

I will try to help with temping Rach if I can I have mainly ran into problems because none of my temps have been taken at the same time.

Ohhhh the holiday Laura ... Trying not to think about it :lol: Good luck this month :pray:
Wobs I've been reading your threads and I just can't make head nor tail of what's going on for you? How frustrating this must be for you ..... the pregnancy tests, are they getting darker each day?
I had a big fat line this morning on a Tesco pink test, I am definitely off to the EPU in the morning WITH my stick & I have a sample bottle ready - I'll redo it in the morning before I go.

My own fault sort of for testing SO early again really but after my blood result I wanted that line to show ASAP but when I rang she told me if they don;t get it clear they won't treat which experience told me not to bother & my temping has been a bit lame :oops:
Well no, it's definitely not your own fault for testing because obviously something is going on, and it's good that you have detected it. I never used to do PG tests, I just used to wait for AF to arrive, but then one day I thought 'I wonder if I'm getting pregnant on the odd month, and losing it quite quickly?'. So I got some tests off Ebay and now I test every month, starting about 10dpo.

I thought they were all set to treat you anyway? Surely they have to take these latest BFPs into account too - for goodness sake, you'd have no reason to be making it up!
LauraB said:
Dreamer, didn't you get AF a little while back? Or have I confused you with someone else :oops: Are your periods not regular then?

Hi Amy, nice to meet you - fingers crossed for the 7th! :pray:

Rach, are you temping this month?

Yeah i had Af just went last week, but that was my first from Feburary, so i dont know if i will get one next month or when :(
It's a bit of a head wreck when you think that isn't it :( Been there & glad they listened to me.

They are set to treat me only problem being they require a second blood test which was booked in for 7th July (6 weeks past first test) to confirm but they said they would go ahead if I am this month but if theirs is NO then that's it - No treatment! I too was kind of saying to her 'common I'm not messing about here' & the fact an early miscrriage appeared more probable for me but I just felt like I would be wasting their time if they got neg & 15 quid for me to get there & back I'm now certain they won't get a NOTHING on their naff strips :D

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