Who will be finding out the sex of their baby?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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Just wondered how many would find out, or would rather have it as a suprise?
I dont think i could ever wait, i'm no good with suprises :roll:
i have to find out am no good at suprises to impaitent so is the hubby we found out today its aboy so it makes it 3 girls 3 boys hurrah :lol:
I'm going to hopefully going to find out. 20 week scan 2nd Jan, can not wait!!!

I am thinking boy!

:D So excited!!!!
We didnt find out, it was hard but I was glad that we didn't, its nice to keep guessing :D
I found out :oops:
I'm just so impatient and wanted to do the nursery pink or blue.
Hope they haven't got it wrong :lol:
I will be hopefully finding out when I have my scan on the 23rd!
Aww, congrats to everyone! :D
Has anyone had a scan and been told its a girl, only for the baby to be born a boy or visa versa?
I didnt find out - stayed team green - I just love surprises
Ah i'm terrible with suprises, even sneakily open my xmas gifts then rewrap them so now one notices....and i'm 27 now! lol
I found out with my son and this time i was so sure we were going to wait for a surprise, but now i can't wait to start buying either pink or blue clothes, so 2nd of Jan we will know, unless bubba has their legs crossed!
i didn't want to know but it;s my hubbys first so i said ok we will find out but next time we won't find out, i find out tomorrow too
i stayed team green as wanted the surprise
plus i would have been too chicken to buy anything pink or blue in case they got it wrong
Me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i plan to find out the sex of my baby but does anyone know when the best time to go for the scan is for accuracy/clarity etc? Most places say between 22 and 32 weeks but what are folks thoughts on this? x
I wasnt sure but more and more am leaning towards not finding out as it seems there is a chance they could get it wrong. There are some lovely neutral clothes out there etc and TBH i wont be dressing the baby up in dresses or trousers anyway at first so i can buy outfits later. Makes no difference to me if it's a boy or girl as i have no prefernece as to which i like ( i dont udnerstand people who say 'i want a boy' or 'i want a girl' how awful if it's not the one they wanted for the baby!) and as someone else has said if i was told a boy and it came out a girl i would feel like i had lost a boy if you know what i mean. Think i might stay neutral!
mmm well i wanna no cuz im a impatient type of person and it would b helpfull to no like decorating the nursey and getting prepared....but i hope they cant tell soo then i wont have a choice because i wanna give birth and 4 my OH to tell me wat oit is xx
I'm planning to stay team green. Even though i am so tempted to find out and always thought i would, i think the surprise will be exciting. I have no preference as to what it is and wouldn't go pink or blue crazy anyway.

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