why so early?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Got my first scan appointment through in the post, its for 2nd april and i will only be 10+1 weeks pregnant. I thought these scans were usually done at 12 weeks just wondering if its normal?

Im not complaining tho cant wait to see our baby and hear the heartbeat so it all feels more real xx
yeah perfectly normal they usual scan between 10 and 12 weeks :)
i had mine at 9 weeks 3 days only because of problems tho. but they didnt do me a 12 week one. i think if i was you i'd be glad i havnt got to wait those extra 2 weeks:dance:
I am glad i dont have to wait longer cant wait:yay:
Thats great that u got it so early! Mine's not til 16th April, 2 weeks after yours :( Can't wait! x x
I had mine Wed just gone and by my dates I was 10+5 and scan showed me at 10 weeks. I think the general rule is between 10 and 14 weeks we're just so used to ppl having them at 12 weeks we assume anything earlier is strange x
I'm having mine Thursday. Am very anxious.
Dating from my last period, and the due date my midwife gave me, I'll be 12+1. But because my cycle is all over the place, I think I'll only be 10 weeks gone, if that.
So I dunno, will see how it goes lol.
Good luck with yours, very exciting! :D
The '12 week scan' is any time between 10 and 14 weeks usually :)

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