Why this forum is AMAZING...


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Daggers and Miracle Babe.
I have just posted to say that we've had a nightmare few days which resulted in Tom being admitted to hosp with suspected meningitis.
I remembered Miracle Babe went through something similar so I asked Daggers to PM her to see if we could talk.
Miracle Babe texted me with her number and we spoke this morning. It was such a huge help and support to talk to someone who'd been in the same boat. I feel like I've made a friend for life!
So...I know there are arguments sometimes on the forum and jokes and stuff but ultimately this forum is an AMAZING place that totally saved my bacon and found me a new friend in the process!
L xxx
awww miracle babe is wonderful isn't she !!
poor little boy, is he ok now????
hugs for u and him lucy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
LucyBee said:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Daggers and Miracle Babe.
I have just posted to say that we've had a nightmare few days which resulted in Tom being admitted to hosp with suspected meningitis.
I remembered Miracle Babe went through something similar so I asked Daggers to PM her to see if we could talk.
Miracle Babe texted me with her number and we spoke this morning. It was such a huge help and support to talk to someone who'd been in the same boat. I feel like I've made a friend for life!
So...I know there are arguments sometimes on the forum and jokes and stuff but ultimately this forum is an AMAZING place that totally saved my bacon and found me a new friend in the process!
L xxx

as for argumants i don't really think they are argumatns but debates.
And a good debate between mates is fine i eckon!!
i agree with budge
we all have our debates
we love each other really :D

hope you and bubs are ok :)
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I love this forum. I tried out a few forums specially for teenage mums, but they were very cliquey, constantly asking for "proof" etc. And although most people on this one are older than me, they've all been so lovely and helpful and completely non judgemental :D :D
lucy how is tom now, im sorry youve had this on your shoulders. poor little dahling an his mummy and daddy!

this forum is truly amazing, its full of wonderful women who care so much about the friendships they have made with each other that they offer their support time after time after time, i love this forum im just so sad i dont get on much anymore :cry:
Alfiesmummy said:
lucy how is tom now, im sorry youve had this on your shoulders. poor little dahling an his mummy and daddy!

this forum is truly amazing, its full of wonderful women who care so much about the friendships they have made with each other that they offer their support time after time after time, i love this forum im just so sad i dont get on much anymore :cry:

budge said:
proof of what zebra? :think:

That you were pregnant :? It was kind of crazy, they wanted pictures of your bump with you holding a sign with your username on it. And if you didn't have a bump they wanted scan photos. A couple of times they even asked girls for a picture of their positive pregnancy test with a sign.

Yes, because when you find out you're pregnant, the first thing you do is take a picture of a test :? :?

needless to say, i didn't feel like I had to prove anything to anyone :lol:
LucyBee - I'm so sorry to hear that Tom has been so poorly - is he now on the mend?

Thinking of you and your family.

Valentine xxx
He's improving thanks everyone.
He slept well, had a full bottle and a little bit of baby rice this morning and is asleep now.
He's not smiling though so is still under the weather and covered in rash.
We're back to the hospital at 3.30pm today for more antibiotics.
Thanks so much for your messages girls.
Lxx :hug:
zebrastripes said:
budge said:
Yes, because when you find out you're pregnant, the first thing you do is take a picture of a test :? :?

:oops: :oops: :oops: Have you never stuck your head in TTC and looked at the bfp announcements? :oops: :oops:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope hes ok hun.

zebrastripes, my sister said she went on a forum that did that all the time. :hug: im glad i found this forum.
libs said:
zebrastripes said:
budge said:
Yes, because when you find out you're pregnant, the first thing you do is take a picture of a test :? :?

:oops: :oops: :oops: Have you never stuck your head in TTC and looked at the bfp announcements? :oops: :oops:

Yeah, but that's cause everyone's all happy and excited about getting a positive. :D
Not because some girl is going "YOU'RE NOT PREGNANT!SHOW US YOUR TEST!PROVE IT!" lol :lol:
Perhaps they get a lot of wannabees ruining it for you all :(

I think this forum is amazing - I so wish t'internet had been around 13 years ago I would have found all the support and info on here amazing :D
Eh, I don't know, I just thought it was all a bit much :?
But I agree, this forum is great :lol: I love just being able to make a port whenever I'm worried about something, and getting loads of good advice in about 10 minutes
this forum is amazing. people are so friendly. ive got all he help and support i have needed. without having to prove anything :lol:

i hope he is on the mend now hun :hug:
This place is fab and im never leaving by choice!

Everyone on here has been welcoming and lovely and there are a couple of people on here i get on really well with which nakes it all worth while posting on jere and sharing in the highs and lows of everyones lives.

Plus seeing all the BFPs and babies being born makes it all that bit special

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