Words you always mis-pronounce


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Of course I'm perfect and I never do this :lol: but listening to my father and my husband talking lately has really given me the giggles and I just have to share this! My Dad has an unusual 'understanding' of the English language and his mispronunciations have become family legend. Here are two of my favourites

Ravioli......Dad's version: Revaloli
Velcro..... Dad's version: Melcro

And as for DH, every cd is an albun. The month in which Halloween falls is Optober. And my FAVOURITE of all time....the Smoking Cessation Nurse at our local clinic is always refered to as "That bloody smoking sensation nurse!" :rotfl:
i can never say 'regularly'

i always say reg-u-lar-rily!!!
I too am perfect :angel: and nevr do this :fib: but my OH and his family really get on my nerves with theirs, here are just a few:

Skelington instead of skeleton

Dressing gowned instead of dressing gown :think:

And my MIL alwys says hers instead of she's ( a black country thing I think).
I do it accidently - but sort of on-purpose.lol.

I call balloons BABOONS and things like that.lol
i always say 'round of a claws' instead of 'round of a plause' lol. i dont know why, i just misheard it when i was a kid and never corrected it.
I always say chimney as 'chimiley' ? I have no idea why and I cant say worcestershire!
My friend always say Pacifically instead of specifically, (i may be able to say if but dont think i can spell it lol) she even texts it wrong.
I haven't mispronounced a word since I was a child, but my father told me I used to say "hopsital" for hospital and "busghetti" for spaghetti :rotfl:
Oh yeh I tend to say "Pascetti" for spagetti? So embarrassing! :oops: heehee
My nan has some crackers. She calls Argos- Argost, colander- cullinder, association- astociation
:lol: Bless her

The tenants make me laugh sometimes. One lady kept asking for the sanctuary scheme but actually said sanitary scheme, another had the hump saying you are just passing me to another compartment (department :roll: :lol: )
Avent.... I always pronounce it Advent... but I no no why :cry:
My dads the best for this:
Argos- Argost
Sega- Seba
Morrisons- Morristons
Geography- Ge-hof-icky
My husband always sings "In the bleak widminter" he can't stop doing it now. Which means I always say "widmife" now without meaning to. Thanks hun.
cant think of any i say now but when i was younger i used to say
decadations instead of decerations at christmas time
I think I only can't pronounce specifically properly, I always say sespifically lol

Becky&Willow said:
cant think of any i say now but when i was younger i used to say
decadations instead of decerations at christmas time

Not decorations :wink:
i dont really mis-pronounce as far as i know but it really annoys me when people say DROWNDED instead of DROWNED :roll:

and another corker that infuriates me...ON A PURPOSE. gggggrrrrrrrr, no need for the bloody 'a'.
My MIL is horrific for this :wall:

Wasn't it - Wornit

Wasn't he - Worney

She says he for everything even Lily :roll:

There are loads more but cant think atm.

OH says chimiley and persific too :rotfl:
I say Si-wils instead of Seals. I cant say Seals properly everyone picks up on it because they are one of my favorite Aminals......(Animals). Quarry is Corry and Squirrel is Sq-wirrel. I can't say my Rs very well and I have to really try when I'm speaking but some words just are really hard. :oops:
My colleague at work calls a deluxe bedroom a duluxe bedroom (like the tissues lol). Same one always says "I'm going to Asdas" instead of Asda.


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