

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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I have become worried all of a sudden as i dont seen to have many symptoms, just sore boobs which are easing and tiredness... and im worried that the worst has happened and dont want to go for my scan at end of jan to tell me that baby has no heartbeat, id rather know now!

does anyone else feel like this?
I know how you feel, I am panicing as I have not had any sickness just nausea and I keep thinking that maybe the worst has happened.
I an hopfully having my reasurance scan in just over a week, just waiting to hear back from the sonographer.
Is there any way you could go for a private early scan to put your mind at ease?
I was so worried when I was pregnant with Sam because I had nothing except sore boobs and tiredness, and even they used to come and go a bit. I'm sure everything will be fine though :hug:
In the first few weeksmy symptoms came and went and I was concerned too but all was well... Im sure it will be fine....xxx
I panicked a few times too, but now feel ok as the scan approaches. Tiredness and sore boobies are still strong symptoms! You'll be fine, I'm sure, but if you're worried you could get an early scan as rachel suggested! xx
My friend said she had literally no symptoms from the get-go and didn't believe she was preg until her bump grew. She now has a healthy wee girl. No symptoms is as common as lots of them. Dont ye worry :)
For some reason I am sooooo relaxed! I've decided to not worry about things at all and what will be, will be. You do have symptoms, just cos your not chucking up every morning, does not mean anything wrong! My last pregnancy I felt nauseous but was never sick, had sore boobs and tired. Seems to be the same this time, long may it continue.... I hate being sick and cry for my mummy ha ha - really hope it stays that way. Try to relax chick, less stress is good!
its annoying as i have been soo relaxed about everything aswell.. and im normally positive about everything, just for some reason last night i freaked out.. im alot better today! i suppose i shouldnt be moaning about feeling really well.. :) thanks ladies xx

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