Would have been moving to 2nd tri today ......

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Sorry for the moan but i would have been 13 weeks today and feeling quite sad about it as my scan was this thursday :cry: :cry: :cry:

My friend at work is having her scan thursday as well and i cant help but keep thinking they gave her my slot :cry: :cry:

Does everyone else keep thinking like this? With the dates i mean,

I have a friend at work who lost her baby just before me and she would have been 23 weeks this week and we have been quite good for each other at work really we are both just as obsessed with TTC and it really helps

Just needed a quick moan ..
Your not maoning hun its understandable...

Some ladies on here were due the same day as me and seeing their tickers can be hard sometimes cause with the first I would of had a big bump and coming on 6mths now :(

I think its best not to think about it as it can make us feel quite sad.

Don't worry we'll have huge bellys in no time and then we can show off too
:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: I know how you feel hun. I have been that way ever since we lost our first. I'd be about 30 weeks now. :cry: Hang in there.
Aw hun :hug: . It must be really hard working with someone who would have been due a similar time as it's a constant reminder :(. I've tried really hard not to count the weeks now as it's too hard to think about and I really do feel that I've let that baby go now in a positive way. I kind of had a little "service" on my own in the dark with a candle and said goodbye and it really helped me a lot I think. Now I'm trying to think of TTC dates instead as I can't keep that many dates in my mind at once anyway and it kind of puts my focus on the future I think. Glad you've got someone else at work to talk to about all of this as it's very lonely otherwise isn't it?

Don't feel bad for ranting it's only natural. I'm glad you have someone to go through this with at work and are not alone. Anytime you need to offload that's what we're here for. I wish I could forget my due date but it's etched deeply in my mind. I'm sure I'll be back next July needing a hug! :hug: :hug: :hug:
i know how you feel chick....i would have been 26 weeks now. Cant help but wondering how big i would be now or if it was a boy or girl....
I dont know anyone else around me that was due at the same time but now my cousin is 3 month pg so that is kinda wiered...she fell on as i lost
Yeah I also know how you feel... Friend at work got pregnant few weeks before me. She has been bleeding at 6 weeks a lot and thought she lost it. She was lucky enough to experience period and her baby made it. She is 16 weeks now. I haven't been so lucky and lost it before I reached 6 weeks. She feels so sorry for me.. had to have a chat with her as she thought I might be upset about her pregnancy. I am not at all as she is 10 years older (36 now) and it's here first time.. I might have few babies when I reached that age :wink:

We need to stay positive. There are lots of women on this forum who suffered a loss and are now pregnant again and all is going well for them

Good luck hun ! xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:

First of all :hug: :hug:

Think it's completely understandable to feel that way and I think there will always be little reminders from time to time that are bound to upset you all over again. Feel free to rant anytime!

I know I'll never forget my due date (was expecting an Easter bunny) and am dreading it coming around but :pray: that maybe I'll be pg again by then.

Try and stay positive hun and hopefully it'll be your turn really soon x

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