Your babies recent mile stones

LO has started waving and clapping lately. Today she actually managed to make a clapping sound three times (instead of just touching hands together when clapping).

She has also started trying to only hold onto one of my hands when 'walking' but it's a bit disasterous so I am hoping that she will realise that it's still better to hold onto both of my hands!!!

Oh, and her newest favourite 'talk' is a fake laugh :D
I've already started a thread like this over in stories and pics:)

Jaeda has learnt she can move, and quick :) :lol:
Lily to date (11months 6days..) has leart in the last week I suppose (the last 2 wees have flown by so some time in there :lol: ) Shes been cruising for about 2months but now its getting faster and now she will let go and stand there for a few second but only if your not really watching :roll: :lol: and she will let go twist round and grab on to something else. She did do a side step on he own the other day but hasnt bothered since :shakehead:

Evemarie08 taught her to drink through a straw 2 weeks ago and she LOVES it :dance: We got her a carton of milk from Maccies when me and OH were being naughty :shhh: :angel: And my god she put the whole thing away with a straw in about 3mins lol

Shes so funny at the minute I love her to bits. Trust me girlies when I had a newborn and saw mummies sayin oh my 12month oldi s so funny etc I love this stage I used to think "Pah I love having anewborn I dont want her to grow up" But honestly they are ACE at any stage and I cant even believe she is going to ONE in like 3 weeks! I still think of her as about 3 months old :rotfl:
I feel like she's learning something new everyday atm it's so lovely to be in with her everyday rather then at uni!!

Tally has learnt...

When i say boobies she burries her head in my chest and tries to suck
She grabs my boob to pull it towards her mouth if it's not close enough
She is even trying to get my boobs out my top when she's hungry :roll:
She's learnt to eat finger foods (though she is currently spitting out carrot in disgust when she bites it off)
She can now reach around and play with toys whilst sat up
She can shimmy back wards on her tummy
She can swivel on her bum to get different toys
and she keeps getting on her hands and knees and rocking (no crawling yet though thank god)

and i didn't believe my mum when she said it but she pulls herself up to standing in the bath (though she does fall right back over) we've only seen her pull herself on to her knees atm but i was impressed none the less!!

Still no teeth (YAY) and no signs of them either

and she's become a lot more vocal, mainly screaming a lot, but she's "talking" more too, and she's learnt that crying gets her attention so she does it for apparently no reason.
Sage said:
littlepip said:
How did he start crawling? Ryans only just started putting pressure on his feet so im trying to encourage that so he will hopefully get stronger, but he just sits there and doesn't look like he1s anywhere near even thinking about crawling! and puling himself up on furniture?? ill be suprised if he's doing that before he's 14 months!!! lol

kyran was exactly the same, he'd be happy to sit and play and not move anywhere. He was happy sitting then at the end of 9months he realised he could roll to where he wanted to go then soon realised he could drag himself along on his belly. He commando crawled for ages. i really never thought he start properly crawling. He then learnt to sit from being on his belly by going on all fours and going backward until he just sort of sat! :lol: i think it clicked that he could do the same thing going forwards then! He didnt do anything new for months then he started doing loads within a week.

He would never stand on his feet either, thats been a recent thing to, now i have trouble sitting him down! he can pull himself up on the sofa just about but he hasnt worked out how to get back down yet!

Thanks for that, just looks like ill ahve to wait then!! :( i just want him to be craweling before his birthday! is that so mch to ask!? lol

Ryan has learnt how to put his finger up his nose and has also learnt that if he stares at ure plate and moans for long enough you will give him food.
Ivys Into blowing razzies at me! Also if you make a kiss sound she sucks in her lips and tries to do it back! Its so funny! She also sticks her tongue out if you stick yours out but I dont think she quite realizes shes doing it back.

Shes getting really well at the rolling thing now, lifts her head and chest right up off the floor on her tummy and can move.....okay its round in circles!!!! She some how manages to crawl in her sleep, its more of a shuffle type thing she lifts her knees to her tummy and pushes and slowly moves along lol!

Magicmarkers! Flo is so clever! Ivy still pokes her eye out and she doesn't do dummys she loves sucking her fingers but try a dummy and she sucks for 10seconds then spits it out. :)
Kathryn (9 months today- 4th Jan) stood holding onto a push along toy today for the first time and re-balanced herself if it moved forwards or backwards slightly.

She's still not crawling and I don't think she'll ever roll over! Some babies roll at 16 weeks- my LO just doesn't seem to realise that it's even a possibility!
Aimee got her first tooth through today! She is nearly sitting up herself as well.
Becky now points at things she wants and will give you something she's holding in her hand if you ask for it. Unfortunately she also thinks she should offer me every single piece of pasta she has for her dinner too :roll:

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