6 Days Late....Test Negative


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Hi Guys,

I was due on my period last Monday and now im now 6 days late, I have done 4 tests and all have said negative, I have been getting bad cramps and back ache, Does this sound like im pregnant? When should i do another test?


Hey hunni :).. Im 5 days late and done a test today, it was negative.. Ive been getting cramps and backache so im just going to wait for my period to arrive x
Hi Gem,

While the witch doesn't arrive, its all a good sign, i would leave another few days and if still no AF get booked in at the doctors!
Fingers crossed this is your month!
I'm 3 days late and testing tonight!.......................so scared of a BFN!

Hi Lisa,

I really hope this is my month, I have all the signs, done 3 tests and all says negative :mad:. Il do another one on Thursday if thats still the same i will book my self in at the doctors.

Good luck with you! Let me know how it goes.

Hi Gem,

Just found your post.
I take it AF has still not arrived??
Are u booking in at the doctors? I've just had a meeting cancel so may take myself down there today and deman some answers, though I am only 6 days late!
Are u still testing 2moro?

FX this is your month sweetie!

Hi Ladies,

I have just been to asda shopping and bought a first response i couldn't resist doing it and got a BFN :-(

I dont understand why as im 10 days late and got some signs!

Hi Ladies,

I have just been to asda shopping and bought a first response i couldn't resist doing it and got a BFN :-(

I dont understand why as im 10 days late and got some signs!

Hi Ladies,

I have just been to asda shopping and bought a first response i couldn't resist doing it and got a BFN :-(

I dont understand why as im 10 days late and got some signs!


Me too!!! I did one earlier and got a BFN, it just knocks me everytime I do it so have decided not to test again until Sunday morning as I am flying away on Saturday and want to just forget about it for a bit!
On a plus side I spoke to a Health Advisor today and explained my cramps etc and she said to treat myself as a 'pregnant person' for now and if I still have no AF by two weeks then to go to Doctor and demand a blood test!
Saying that she did not get a BFP until 10 weeks and that was after 3 professional blood tests so I am holding on to hopes until AF comes, if ever!!!!
Come on BFPs!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was two weeks late and still showing negative but thn the next morning it was positive and the joy began :)
There is hope for us all as long as that dam witch stays away
I'm the same. Its horrible this limbo. I have had 4 bfn home tests. 1 neg blood test. yet i'm 13 days late ( never have been before) ive had to go buy new bras as im 3 weeks none of my usual ones fit. Nipples are dark, prominent veins, achy boobs to. I am extremely confused.

Hope you all get the results you want x
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Aww im so glad im not alone on this one!

I went to the doctors today explained im 11 days over due, Told her my symtoms, She did another test which was BFN, She told me to test again next week and go back to see her in 2 weeks. That seens ages away, I just need to know now!

We have all got a good chance as long as the which stays away!

Il text again next week and fx get BFP!!

Good luck ladies!


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