July mummies!!

I'm not sure she knows whats hapening exactly , but we were having a cuddle and chatting away and baby kicked . She got very grumpy and slapped my tummy !!! So were going to spend loads of time with her baby cousin this week to try and get her used to the idea x
Aww, I suppose she must be so used to having her mummy all to herself!! Hopefully spending time with her baby cousin will get her used to the idea :) x
Should we make a thread in Baby and Toddler for July Mummies to catch up? Noticed that May mummies had one and thought it seemed like a good idea :) Will be good for keeping up once all the July babies have arrived! xxx
Should we make a thread in Baby and Toddler for July Mummies to catch up? Noticed that May mummies had one and thought it seemed like a good idea :) Will be good for keeping up once all the July babies have arrived! xxx
Great idea huni ! xxx
Should we make a thread in Baby and Toddler for July Mummies to catch up? Noticed that May mummies had one and thought it seemed like a good idea :) Will be good for keeping up once all the July babies have arrived! xxx
Great idea huni ! xxx

WIll be good for us all to keep up :) I don't know whether to make one just now or wait until more July babies are here?? x
No harm making one now , :) it might be a bit quiet for a few more days but it would be good to compare notes x
Yay... I'm in labour!!
Still at home contractions coming every 5 mins lasting 30-45 secs.
Going to start labour thread now, in labour and birth section:)
How we all feeling today girls? Anyone having any pains or signs of labour? I wish I was, but don't think I really am, must stop analyzing every little niggle, else I'll drive myself nuts!x
morning, i still feel perfectly normal lol
no pains no twinges, nothing

im really starting to think he is just going to stay inside

so im getting on with some more orders today to keep myself occupied, Ill have some happy customers at least as I told them all there would be a delay with baby coming lol
You got the right idea then hun, keeping yourself busy and just getting on with stuff!
I'm gonna go out for a wander today, have a couple of bits to do, just have visions of my waters breaking or me doubling over in pain in the middle of a shop, but hey ho!
Your LO is obviously very happy where he is and is in no rush to come out :) xx
yeah i think id lose my mind if i just sat here waiting lol
so getting on with things is the only way to go
every time i nip out into town i think im bound to go in the middle of a shop :) but so far it hasnt happened obviously lol

yeah i think it might be a sign of the future, im guessing he may be a little bit lazy and always late to things
A bit lazy, lol. He might just be laid back!
I think my LO is laid back like his dad already, doing things when he wants to, not when he's told to, lol.
Haha, I think I'd be mortified if it all kicked off in the middle of town, but I guess we have no control over when it'll happen do we :)
my Lo is the same... just like his dad! a last moo! erghh I go sleep everynight hoping I will wake up in the middle of the night with contractions but No ... iv tried talking to Lo lol and he isn't listening to mummy :'( just like his dad lol oh reckons he will be ere by friday, im not convinced lol
my Lo is the same... just like his dad! a last moo! erghh I go sleep everynight hoping I will wake up in the middle of the night with contractions but No ... iv tried talking to Lo lol and he isn't listening to mummy :'( just like his dad lol oh reckons he will be ere by friday, im not convinced lol

Haha, men ey! I know, I've been going to sleep for the last few days almost willing my body to wake me up in agony, aren't we weird, begging to be in pain!
My LO isn't listening to mummy either, I think it's a sign of things to come when he's here, so far I have not listening to me, and not sleeping at night, lol. He tends to kick and break dance (I swear) at about 11 every night, little monster! My OH has said that LO will be here at 7pm tonight! I have tried telling him that they don't come to order, but he's adamant :) If he's right though, I'm getting him to do the lottery on Friday!
haha thats like oh saying he will b here by Friday.. last night bubs went into a horrid position in my belly that was making me feel sick, think he has changed position back to transverse just have this gut feeling, got 3weddings to attend this week.. wasn't sure whether I should go, I can't get my feet into any shoes, now thinking I may aswell n hope loud music makes him come out lol

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