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Nov 5, 2015
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Hi everyone, I'm Sarah and I'm new here. We are currently ttc our second child against a back drop of pcos and a varicocele and to be honest, I'm struggling. I know no one who understands. Everyone tells me to just relax and it'll happen, and every time they do I want to strangle them! My doctor is still refusing to see me until we've been ttc for 16 months (why 16???) so we are chasing hubby's doctor to get us tested. Does anyone here have experience of a varicocele? Any positive experiences would be greatly welcomed!
For sure you will get helpful answers, me just want to tell good luck and not to give up.
Sorry hun I have no experience of varicocele.
How long did you wait to conceive your 1st, if you don't mind me asking?

The relax and it will happen comments are bloody infuriating!
Thats bizarre your doctor is making you wait so long I always thought it was 12 months.

Just wanted to say hang in there there are many of us who feel like we are struggling to conceive the 2nd. At least you can share your frustration with some who are on the up and down train of emotions like me!
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Tonks82 I am sorry - see mc from yr signature. If anything I can help, just let me know. You are (all ladies here) are great, strong warriors, who never give up. Keep my fingers and toes crossed xx
Hi! My name is also Sarah. I am ttc
No 2. We got seen after a year as that's the policy where i live. After all tests been told need ivf which is a real shock. I know exactly what u mean about relax comments. There is nothing less relaxing!! Good luck zx
Hi Sarah,

Good luck with ivf.. Glsd u had better luck with doc than me..

Baby dust xx
Just wanted to post and offer support - also suffering here - we've been trying for 18 months and no luck :( it took 8 months to conceive our first but I'm starting to really struggle now.

We've had all the investigations done on the NHS but are still absolutely no closer to knowing what is wrong. All my blood tests have come back at the lower end of normal, but still normal, and OH is absolutely fine. I'm finding dealing with the NHS system very trying as there seems to be no follow up or explanation unless you become an absolute pain in the arse.

I'm about to have some acupuncture and I think we will then be going for a private consultation to see if there are any other recommendations. I think we could stretch to one IVF cycle, if we needed to - I am 37 this year, so I feel time is ticking, and I also feel so guilty that my LO is an only child as he keeps asking me whether he can have a little sister :(
Gemsy - I am sorry you are going through this. Have you had your ovarian reserve tested? All the best
Gemsy - I am sorry you are going through this. Have you had your ovarian reserve tested? All the best

Hi miamia, I have yes, and they are happy enough with it for my age (36)....we keep getting told it is unexplained which is worse in a way than knowing the problem 😢

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