Thinking about starting fertility journey soon


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2018
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I am currently wide awake thinking things through

so me and my husband have been together 7 years this month and married 5 years next month and we pretty much decided straight away we wanted a family so I came off the pill and we got tests done to make sure we never had any STDs or anything and we were both ok so decided to stop using protection and me off the pill.

so fast forward to now and nothing has happened and we have tried fertility and they said I need to have lost 3 stone for private and 5 stone for nhs (we are happy to pay for fertility, as family are helping us pay for it too)

our main issues are hubby having problems with ejaculation and the doctor in the past at fertility said we would need iui more than anything

so just looking for any advice on the fertility journey and if anyone has had iui or what process is required

thanks for any advice
I’ve had no experience but didn’t want to read and run.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your fertility journey and fx it’s a short one xx
I had to lose a large amount of weight for fertility treatment and it is wise to do this before starting the process as most places won’t go ahead with much until this happens, you can get all the testing done first.

if the issue is simply with ejaculation and nothing on your side they will perhaps try an unmedicated cycle. IUI is where they place the semen into your uterus when you ovulate to make sure the swimmers are where they need to be. You may have a mild sedative during the procedure as it can be a little uncomfortable.

I have a friend who had a similar issue, he struggled to ejaculate during sex but he could when masturbating. So they bought insemination syringes (ones that just put the sperm by your cervix) and they tracked ovulation and did a home insemination that worked the second cycle..... this could be something you try? Xx
I had to lose a large amount of weight for fertility treatment and it is wise to do this before starting the process as most places won’t go ahead with much until this happens, you can get all the testing done first.

if the issue is simply with ejaculation and nothing on your side they will perhaps try an unmedicated cycle. IUI is where they place the semen into your uterus when you ovulate to make sure the swimmers are where they need to be. You may have a mild sedative during the procedure as it can be a little uncomfortable.

I have a friend who had a similar issue, he struggled to ejaculate during sex but he could when masturbating. So they bought insemination syringes (ones that just put the sperm by your cervix) and they tracked ovulation and did a home insemination that worked the second cycle..... this could be something you try? Xx
Thank you for your advice ye my husband is exactly the same as your friend that is something I will try did they just do it themselves at home without going to fertility and thanks again for the advice xxx
They did it themselves, bought a kit with pots and syringes off amazon for about £20 and tracked ovulation. When she was ovulating he would disappear with the cup and then they would pop the sperm in there with the syringe. They did it for 3 days on the trot each time xx
I can't help with personal experiences, just want to wish good luck on your journey x
Hi I am starting my IVF journey soon as well, I am new to this but I am here to wish you good luck <3 We can do this!!
I would honestly try home insemination first, you can get kits off amazon. Then, do insemination over the week of ovulation ..... starting a few days before and continue for a couple of days afterwards. If the issue is with the “mechanics” of it then you’d probably be just as successful at home than with IUI. Good luck x
I would honestly try home insemination first, you can get kits off amazon. Then, do insemination over the week of ovulation ..... starting a few days before and continue for a couple of days afterwards. If the issue is with the “mechanics” of it then you’d probably be just as successful at home than with IUI. Good luck x
IUI might be one of the solutions, but it is less successful than IVF.
Thank you everyone for your advice I am currently on day 73 of my cycle and not had a period since 21st May so the doctor has referred me to fertility and to dietician but I start a new job tomorrow in childcare so I’m sure I will soon lose the weight I haven’t worked for the last 4 years as been at college then uni so with being very active in my new job eating healthily I will soon lose weight I’m sure

Has anyone ever had long cycles mine are usually 34/36 days long so I am due my next one tomorrow the day I start my job xx
I am currently wide awake thinking things through

so me and my husband have been together 7 years this month and married 5 years next month and we pretty much decided straight away we wanted a family so I came off the pill and we got tests done to make sure we never had any STDs or anything and we were both ok so decided to stop using protection and me off the pill.

so fast forward to now and nothing has happened and we have tried fertility and they said I need to have lost 3 stone for private and 5 stone for nhs (we are happy to pay for fertility, as family are helping us pay for it too)

our main issues are hubby having problems with ejaculation and the doctor in the past at fertility said we would need iui more than anything

so just looking for any advice on the fertility journey and if anyone has had iui or what process is required

thanks for any advice
Hi Jemjem, this journey can be quick and it can be long. So you have to be prepared for anything. The important this is to relax (which is very difficult to do). Try doing things naturally but with guidance first. The run some tests to see exactly what your situation is. Good luck dear!

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