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  1. B

    Lost my baby

    So, so sorry to hear your devastating news. Hope you're OK.
  2. B

    Nappy disposal..........

    How do they work? Do you put nappies in them and they compost themselves or something different??
  3. B

    Nappy disposal..........

    How does everyone dispose of their shop bought nappies. I don't mean the ones with liners in.
  4. B

    How long before you conceived after having your baby...........

    Just wondered how long after having your baby you waited to get pregnant again.
  5. B

    Bath after C section.........

    Well, I've had 2 baths since my post and all seems OK. Hadn't read the bit about infections though! Maybe wouldn't have had 1 if I'd known!
  6. B

    Bath after C section.........

    Thanks all :) Got my night planned now!! Once OH is home from work I have a date with the bath!
  7. B

    Period after C section...........

    Thanks ladies :) Hayley1608, yes, had a C section Friday 13th!! Still sore, but not too bad.
  8. B

    Bath after C section.........

    Thanks for the info. Desperate for a good soak!!
  9. B

    Bath after C section.........

    In Hospital they told me I could only have a shower after a C section, as the wound shouldn't be soaked. It's been just over 3 Weeks since my op, so would it be OK to have a bath now??
  10. B

    Period after C section...........

    When am I likely to get my period after having a C section???
  11. B

    Was your first baby early or late?

    3 Weeks early due to complications.
  12. B

    So tired after C section.........

    It was emergency, and 3 Weeks early, so no actual labour! Am on iron tablets :)
  13. B

    Flight socks after C section..........

    Has anyone else who has had a C section know how long you have to keep the flight socks on? I was initially told 5 days after the op. Then another Doctor told me yesterday 6 months, then changed it to 6 Weeks?? All a bit varied! Anyone know for sure how long you keep them on??
  14. B

    So tired after C section.........

    I'm so tired after having a C section last Friday. I have to express milk in the early hours and it's such an effort to get up and do it! I get up feeling tired and by evening I'm having difficulty keeping my eyes open! I feel totaly shattered. Anyone else feel like this after a cessarian?
  15. B

    Emergency C section!!

    James is now up to 3 hourly feeds and has put weight on again. He's now 4lb 10.5 oz :) He's still being fed through a tube. Hopefully once he starts to feed properly he'll be able to come home.
  16. B

    Emergency C section!!

    Thanks ladies :) Yes, I said I'd marry him! James came out of the incubator this evening and is now in a cot in SCBU :) Staff said that he must have known that Mummy had left Hospital so he decided to get better so he could go home soon too!!
  17. B

    Emergency C section!!

    I had an emergency C section on Friday 13th!! Had high blood pressure throughout pregnancy and baby was on the small side. at a scan last Tuesday I was told that the placenta wasn't letting enough nutrients through to baby. Had to have heart trace on baby twice a day as an outpatient. Consultant...
  18. B

    Being induced.............

    Went in for routine scan and anti-natal appointment on Tuesday. Scan showed baby not as big as it should be, so they did a scan on placenta to see if nutrients were getting through to LO OK. It showed up as not being as effecient as it should be and baby is short of nutrients. They've put this...
  19. B

    Finding it hard...

    I had sex in 1st trimester, but if you're worried, then just let OH know your concerns and tell him to wait! Me and OH have only had sex once in the last couple of months, as I just find it too painful with my SPD! He thinks once babys born we'll have sex straight away. I don't think so! LOL!!
  20. B

    My bargains so far..........

    LOL!! Still waiting for the vouchers to come through the post! Applied for Pampaers freebies too, but not received anything and it was ages ago I applied!