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  1. L

    Baby's first present!

    My parents have just come back from visiting my brother in Australia and my mum is staying with me for a few days. It's the first time I've seen her since my BFP. Mum went shopping today while I was at work and when I came home she gave me a little soft bunny for the baby :love: I haven't...
  2. L

    Scan today!! *Now with pics*

    So after a sleepless night last night, the scan went well today. We saw and heard the heartbeat and the baby waved it's arms and legs for us. Baby is measuring 10+1, which is exactly what I should be based on the online calculators for IVF pregnancy (I will change my ticker now because that is...
  3. L

    Pretty tunic tops and clothing ideas

    I know that some of you, like me, are struggling with first trimester bloat and some have early bumps that they are trying to hide from work. I've been quite low this week because I look like I've gained a stone (it's only a few pounds really, but with stopping running I've lost muscle mass...
  4. L

    Feeling like crap *warning - self indulgent rant*

    I'm just so fed up. I feel like crap all the time, mainly exhaustion with a little nausea thrown in. I'm used to running and feeling energetic and in control and this constant fog is really getting me down. We went to help a friend move house yesterday. I could barely do anything to help because...
  5. L

    Pregnancy Relaxation CD

    If you're anxious, you might like this. Ive found it very useful in helping me to relax and feel more confident about my pregnancy. Some of it is a bit cheesy, but overall it's great.
  6. L

    *Updated* Tri 1 Roll Call

    Hi everyone, Maybe Baby has gone to Tri 2 (congratulations!), so I've started a new roll call thread that I can update regularly. I've taken those people off who I think have gone to Tri 2, but do let me know if I've taken you off in error. By due date - 15th November Twinklets 16th...
  7. L


    Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. All my TTC info is in my signature and as you can see it has been a long journey to first tri. It's early days and still risky as it's an IVF pregnancy and I am 38. But we're just so happy to get to this stage for the first time in over 2.5 years...