Another 2WW....whos with me?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Hey Im in my second 2ww.....whos there with me?

Im determined to try and keep occupied this time and NOT NOT NOT test early!!! Ha right!!

So im going to stay as busy as poss and see what happens!

Im also not as wound up this month as I was last month and def do feel a lot more relazed about the whole 2ww things but ask me this time next week how I feel and that may all change lol!!

March ahs been a fab month with lots of BFP's so lets hope all us ladies testing end of this month and in April get our BFP's that would be nice lots of Santa babies !!!

Good luck everyone xxxxx
I'm just coming to the end of my 2ww & I think my OH thinks I've gone mad. I've blitzed the house today and now I've actually run out of housework to do! Going to have to find something else to keep me occupied this afternoon, staying busy is definitely the way to go!

I've started feeling some crampy twinges this morning so I'm trying not to symptom spot.
Hey Kizzi Im PM'ing you my address Ive got LOADS of house work you can be cracking on with ha ha ha!! But yep I know what you mean about keeping busy.....Im trying to do that but I know that by this time next week I will be going insane wanting to test!!! good luck for your BFP xxx
I'm there with you ladies - last few days of 2ww..... good luck for this month xxx
Oh good luck Karen hope you get a huge enormous BFP....everything crossed for you xxx
Thank you....I hope so..... its all very exciting again isnt xxx
I stressful as it can be it is exciting! I'd be surprised this month as we've both been ill so only one BD at the right time but did get a really light line on an e-bay cheapie this am so who knows. Daren't hope tho - as you know from last month it doesn't necessarily mean that I won't get AF.... xxx
Ah wow....fongers crossed then!! But yeah I know what you mean Im scared to even thing I may have been lucky this month as like you say you just never know!!

Good luck xxx
I'll be with you soon Wilma - about 5 days behind you!

How did your temping go?

SPC xx
Excellebt SPC....temping going ok I think but very irratic!!!

Started last monday and so far have been as follows.....

97.45 or 98.60 two came up so Im guessing a fault maybe??
forgot to do it this morning grrrr....but ov stick showed up a wopping great second link line this morning but according to ticker Oves yesterday so cracking on with the BD when Dh gets back from shooting and hopefully catch Ethel on her way down lol !!

Hows your temping been going?

Well..not sure really. Only on CD10 but I think it's been quite erratic due to my visit to A&E earlier in the week (not much sleep) and then yesterday I had my wisdom teeth out and spent last night waking up every couple of hours...

Well...we'll see what happens!
Hey Wilma I'm in TWW as well - i think anyway - first month using opk and had a line until a week ago and since then nothing so everyone seems to think I ovulated so it would make me day 22 at the moment of what may be a 28 day cycle this month (hoping its not a 50 day like last month!). Luckily I am off skiing tomorrow for a week so I will be doing other stuff- still dont think it will stop me thinking about it though! Absolutely no idea when to test though as I was hoping for a definite positive on opk to know how long my cycle was going to be.
Not holding out much hope though after last month I dont think my body is working properly after the pill - rubbish!!! :)
Ladies, sent me your laundry! I've run out of things to wash and it was pretty much all that was keeping me from thinking about things today! :lol:

tomorrow I'm in charge of cooking lunch so I'm going to set up camp in the kitchen with a book so I'm as far away from the tests as possible.

Monday we're going out and I'm at work on Tuesday. It's really hard pretending those tests aren't right next to the bed. I was really tempted to use one earlier today just because I've never used one before. :)
hey ile join in too...
altho im past the 2WW and 14 days late lol
but i think AF is on her way.

had 2 positive OPK's yesterday. but BFN on HPT test.
got quite a few symptoms but i think my body playing funny buggers wit me.

metalic taste
sensitive boobies esp nipples
darker nipples with white at very end (tmi sorry)
14days late!
LOADS of CM (now wearing a pad)

but ive just got this feeling, its not my month x
Ha love it Kizzi Its on its way to you iron too??? lol!! Ha fingers crossed for you when you testing? xxx
Hey Franki.....I hope you get your BFP this month and hopefully your week away will take your mind off it a little.....eeeeehhh so exciting xxx
Hey Em.....its looking good and your still in with a great chance....lets hoe the witch stays clear and you get a BFP asap xxxx
Got a positive on OPK on wednesday so am in my 3rd 2ww now. Fingers crossed its my month. But i have a feeling it isn't. Good luck to everyone else.

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