Another bleeding question


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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My bleeding had pretty much slowed right down last week (about 2 weeks after Sam's birth)it went quite watery and pink, but today I have started bleeding again and its quite red not dark -should I be worried or is this normal?
I have cut down breastfeeding to just a night time breast feed could it be connected to that? I'm wondering is it a period or is it just normal for bleeding to stop and start like this.
thats perfectly normal... im still the same three months later :(
its been on/off, heavy/light :hug:
I had the same too, it was on and off till around 5 wweeks.
mine stopped as soon as I went on the pill three weeks after x
mine stopped after 2 weeks then it kept being on and off some days a bit some days none but it was never enough for more than just a pantyliner. it didnt 100% stop until about 6 weeks after. and not a drop since 11 months later!
Thanks everyone it's doing my head in just when I think it's stopping it's back again.

Just realised i should maybe have phrased the topic better than 'Another bleeding question' to Another question about bleeding :roll:
My midwife visited yesterday and I got a slap on the wrists for over doing things - but I don't know how much is too much?
The housework and DS1 still need seeing to and I don't want to be stuck in the house all day so I have been getting out and about just having little walks with Sam.

So i'm probably over doing things and that is why the bleeding has returned.

Another quick question though did anyone else get period pains?
Since last night I have had mild period pains and back ache and felt a bit arsey to be honest do you still get period pains with postnal bleeding?

Aaaargh so many questions sorry it really is doing my head in.
Maybe you have been doing a little too much, I got a lot of pains and little clots after going for a slightly too long walk with OH around 2 weeks. I got quite upset cos i really wanted to get back to normal but a few days taking it easy did seem to help. Hope youre feeling less achy now :hug:

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